lunch room disaster

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On the way to the office I was meet by a group of girls Emily was there in front of them "lucky shot bet you can't do it again" I could feel my anger balling up "shut up and move I need to get some wear" I said passing her she tried to trip me "opps" she chuckled "walk much" as bad as I wanted to hit her again I knew i could get suspended for fighting because I already have gotten 8 yellow slips this would be my nineth so I keep my cool and just walked away cracking my knuckles. All I heard was Emily behind me yelling and being Bitchy like usual. So I got to the office got my slip and headed to lunch I don't really eat school food so I just sat in my seat I usually sit in I saw Seth he was looking around like a lost puppy Emily called him over but he ignored her he finally saw me and walked over and sat next to me. He ate his food in silence as me and my friends talked. Finally he said something "so y/n do you fight often" all my friends said in unicen "yes all the time" I looked down thinking that he would not want to be my friend because of me fighting "looks like we got something incommen" I blushed and look in to his deep green eyes I felt like I  was staring at him for hours then Emily walked by and slapped the back of my head pushing me forward and mine and Seths lips locked I tried to pull away but he grabbed my face and pressed his lips on mine. Finally he let go and every one was staring at us I started to have a panic attack so I ran out the lunchroom blushing Seth followed me yelling "y/n I'm sorry stop running come back I'm sorry " then I stopped when I reached a dead end I turned around knowing he was behind me "y/n I'm sorry he whispered" I snapped back "why would you do that infront of every body I'm not some toy you can do whatever you want to" he started to tear up "I'm sorry please forgive me" he said walking closer to me I looked at the ground and stated to cry because I snapped at him and because I was so embarrassed. He hugged me "don't cry little baby" he said chuckling I looked up and smiled then I hit him in the gut and said "I'm not like most girls I don't like being called stupid pet names and being tooken over. He held his gut and said with a smirk "i could change that"

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