Oh Boy, Not the Cops...

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Zach Taylor watched the desert brush pass by in the outer edge of his headlight beams and glanced at the clock on his dash. two-twenty in the morning and it felt like he had the entire desert all to himself. That was good thing considering he wasn’t much of a social guy. Not even after he came his freshman year in high school.


Surprisingly everyone took him being gay very well, they all said they knew he was gay because he would dress up in his older sister Tara’s clothes. Which brings him back to why he’s driving at this time of night or shall we say morning. His sister Tara is getting married in two days and he’s the best man in the wedding.


He’s been driving for the past 6 hours trying to get to Houston from California. He hasn’t seen a gas station since he passed the small little town called Dunville. He’s running low on gas. Eventually this Miata is going to die from lack of gas, he thought. Right after he thought that the car’s purring became stuttering, then a old smokers cough, and the car died out.


“Dammit,” Zach said the last town he passed was a hour away maybe even two hours away.


Glancing in his rearview mirror he saw no one behind him. He couldn’t call anyone because he had no service and his phone died minutes ago anyway.


How long would he have sit here before another car came? Taking off his seatbelt, he reclined his seat back, and kicked back for a long wait.

3 Hours Later….

A sharp tapping on his window made startled him awake. A man dressed in a blue and black uniform holding a flashlight in his hand gave him a signal to roll down his window. After doing so the man spoke, “We saw your vehice stopped on the side of the road. What seems to be the problem sir?”


Still a little sleep Zach didnt realize it was a police officer until he saw the bagde on the mans shirt.


“I ran out of gas officer...?” says Zach straighting up in his seat.  


“Officer Radley. May i see your license and registration?, says Officer Radley.


As he dug in his glove compartment, Radley  continued asking Zach questions.

“Have you been drinking tonight?”


Zach shook his head no, then handed him the required information Radley had asked for, “No SIr.”


“Well when we find someone asleep on the side of the road, its standard procedure to run through a few tests. Please step out of the car.” says Radley.


Grunting before stepping out car Zach does as he’s asked. This is ridiculous thought Zach in his hand if he had been drinking the officer would be able to smell it on his breath. Zach placed his hands on top of the car with his legs spread out so they can search him. The officer glanced at his partner who come around from the passaenger side of the car.


“We’ll need to search you thoroughly, now come around to the back of the car Sir.” ordered Radley and his partner Reagan.

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