Just A Hello

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Dear diary,
              Wow that kinda sounds weird to write, i've never written in one of these before. But, hi. My names Amber West and i'm 16 years old. I was born in California 2002.

I live with my mom and her boyfriend, William. Personally, i'm not too fond of William, never have been. I don't know what it is, i just get this weird vibe off him, like he's up to no good and just wants my mom for her money. My moms a business woman, she's way up in her job. She gets payed a fair amount and met William in a bar not too far from work.

But anyway, long story short, William was caught drug dealing at a local club. My mom was furious. I wasn't surprised though, I mean she met this dodgy guy at a bar who was half on the ground when she saw him. But William wanted a fresh start after being let out on bail, thanks to my mom. So he made us move to Utah.

Though the thing i don't really understand is, why my mom just let him decide where we were going no matter the cost. It's not really like her to just say "okay" when having a big decision like that thrown at her. If i want to go to a party, she's got to know everything.
Who will be there, where it will be, what will be there, how many people there will be, what drinks will be there, who over 16 will be there, if i know everyone at the party, when it ends, EVERYTHING.
So for her to just instantly agree on something like that, isn't really her character. Also, the fact that she grew up in that town and knows basically everyone.

But 1 and a half month later we moved to Cookstate, Utah. I'll be honest, it isn't half bad here, though i've only been here for 11 days. It's a small house but is in a big area. I like my home back in California more though.

Oh, and i'm going to a new school. Cookstate High. Ugh, new people. I bet i'll get lost first period and not know where the hell i'm going. Or worse, have no friends for the next 3 years.
I'm kinda scared actually to go school this Wednesday. I mean, back at home i wasn't popular but was known by a lot of people for good reasons. I had a best friend called Lily and we did everything together. When i told her i was moving, it literally broke her heart. But i've been messaging her everyday ever since.
What if the teachers there hate me? I mean, they might not be so happy about where i'm from? My mum tells me not to worry but, it's extremely hard not to. New city. New people. New school. You can't help but worry.

Another thing that kinda freaks me out is, I was curious on what my new school would look like, so i searched it up on google images. But there was literally nothing about the school nor any pictures of it. I thought maybe i had the wrong name so i double checked with my mom, but she said it was Cookstate high. I was a little weirded out but just thought it may be new.

Also, this school has a dress code. I've never been to a school with a dress code before, also don't like the sound of it. I'm going to wear a white shirt, a pencil skirt and tights, with of course the dark blue and black tie.

I really won't be surprised if this damn school doesn't exist. Well, William found the school and told my mom about it, again was fast to agree, doing NO RESEARCH at all. When i tried telling her about me not finding anything out about the school, she seemed so blunt. Like she already knew or something.

Where did William even find this school anyway? Apparently his sisters son goes to it. People that he literally never talks about. And he talks about everything if i'm honest. If he finds 1 cent on the ground, he'll tell everyone about it and what he done with it. Another reason on why i don't like him at all.

What does my mom see in this man? I have no idea.

I better go though, my dinner is ready and my mom wants me to sort out my school stuff.

It's actually really nice to write in here, i think it will help a lot in the long run too.

So i guess this is goodbye.
But i'll update you on other stuff soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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