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Seventeen years. It took you seventeen years to show your face. I lived the first part of my life without you. I was a senior in high school. Senior. Senior year. Probably one of the most important years of your schooling career. It's the last impression you can leave on your high school classmates before you all go off to college and change completely.
The first half of senior year, you didn't show up. You let me smile a genuine smile for my senior picture. You let me be normal. And I thank you for that.
But right at Christmas time, you had to show up. You had to ruin my life. I still haven't learned how to live with you. I still don't feel comfortable in my own skin. I don't like who I am.
Two years later, you're still kicking my ass. I can't be happy without you always in the back of my mind. I've tried. I've tried so much. But with all the problems I was having before you even showed up, nothing worked. You still made my life a living hell. You're lucky I can somewhat easily cover you up.
Dear Alopecia,
You haven't won. Not yet. I will learn to live with you. I will get through this. I will grow all my hair back. Every time you come at me with hair falling out, I will come back twice as hard. I'm not going to let you ruin my life. You make me hate the way I look every day, but one day I won't care a such as you think. I will get through this.

Love, your dear friend,

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