Part One

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"Remember to complete the questions on pages 345-346 in your textbook!" Logan told his class, as they packed up and left the room. "Do we HAVE to, Mr. Clark?" One arrogant student called out. Logan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "You don't have to, as long as you're fine with a zero." The student groaned, and soon everyone had left the classroom. Logan picked up the eraser for the whiteboard and started to clear it for tomorrow's information. "Logan?" Logan jumped and yelped embarrassingly. He turned to see Principal Sanders, along with a cheerful-looking young man with brown hair wearing black glasses. The man had his arms on a boy's shoulders. The boy wore heavy eye shadow and a black hoodie, and greatly contrasted the man's cheerful manner. Logan adjusted his tie, attempting to regain his composure, "Er, Sorry, Principal Sanders, I wasn't expecting visitors. New student I presume?" "Really, Logan, I've told you a hundred times, call me Thomas. Yes, Virgil here is new to the school. Not only that, though! This is Patton Morales, and he'll be the new guidance counselor at the school!" Principal- or, Thomas, seemed as upbeat as always. "Ah. Well, a warm welcome to both of you to the school." Logan offered a hand to shake, and Patton shook it, followed reluctantly by Virgil. "Very nice to meet you! I'm so excited to be a guidance counselor and give students a PATTON the back when they need it." Thomas burst out laughing, so much that Logan was worried he might actually suffocate. The pun was incredibly bad, and Logan took a deep breath. He saw Virgil roll his eyes, and figured Patton had probably made this joke, or at least other puns, many times before. "Right.. So, Virgil, what school are you coming from?" Virgil seemed to shrink at the prospect of having to talk. "Um.. I didn't go to any school before this. I'm- um.." Logan completely missed whatever Virgil said next, because it was lost in a quiet mumble. "Pardon?" Virgil fidgeted nervously, "Adopted." He said quietly. Ohh. His quiet and nervous manner made sense now, along with the fact that his other parent wasn't here. Logan felt a rare bit of sympathy for the kid, and, strangely, wanted to show that it'd be alright. "There's nothing wrong with that. I'm happy to be one of your first teachers, Virgil." Virgil smiled for a moment, before resuming his hunted expression. "Well, I just wanted to let you know what was going on, but I'm sure you've got work to do, Logan, so we'll leave you to it." Thomas said, leading the two others out of the classroom. "See you later!" Patton exclaimed. Virgil gave a small wave as they walked out. Logan went back to the whiteboard. He was glad that they had gotten a replacement guidance counselor.. after the last one had won the lottery and left abruptly. Patton seemed friendly enough, if a little too friendly, and Virgil didn't seem like too much trouble. Logan picked up a marker to write the bellwork on the board, only to find it had dried out. He groaned out loud, throwing it away. Logan was running low on expos, and really needed to get some more.
This is mainly posted on my tumblr, @manyfandomsonewolf
(The same username I have here)

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