Part Two

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Virgil was anxious. Patton had tucked him in three..maybe four hours ago, but Virgil couldn't sleep. All he could think about was the day ahead of him. He was going to a real school for the first time in his life.. his parents had died when he was still a baby, and no one had ever had interest in keeping him around. Sometimes, a parent, or two, would adopt him, but it never lasted. His anxiety, his "weird eyeshadow", or the fact that he wasn't the "perfect child" had him sent back. At first, he figured the case would be the same for Patton.. but now it actually seemed like Patton was different. First of all, Patton hadn't come to the orphanage to adopt a child. He'd come on a counseling job, where he was hired to help the children with their emotional problems. Obviously, that meant having to work with Virgil frequently. At first, Virgil was reluctant to open up. Patton was always patient and kind with him, though, and eventually Virgil grew to trust him. After months of Patton counseling for the orphanage, they let him know that his work was over, because he was costing too much to keep around permanently. That was when Patton realized how Virgil was basically a son to him, and that he couldn't leave him behind. Patton then found a job at the school, and they moved into the new house. Yes, Virgil finally felt like his life was at a good point, but he hated the idea of school. Someone would make a comment about his eyeshadow.. it always happened. Would he be rejected for being "emo"? What if the teachers immediately assume that he's trouble? What if no one talks to him? What if no one sits with him at lunch? Virgil glanced at the clock next to his bed to see that it was 3:00 AM. He had to get up at 6:00 AM. Virgil sighed... he really needed to work on his sleeping pattern. The anxiety just always kept him up... Virgil tried to go to sleep again, but the thoughts kept returning. He finally dozed off at 4:30 AM. Soon enough, Virgil woke up to the sound of Patton's voice, "Wake up, kiddo! Time for our first day at a new school! I don't mean to ALARM you, but it's time to get out of bed!" Virgil groaned and forced himself not to smile, because he really loved the puns. He reluctantly got out of bed as Patton went to finish getting ready. Virgil looked through his closet, trying to figure out what to wear for his first day. He decided on a black hoodie and jeans, because he wanted to be as invisible as possible to avoid attention. He chose some black sketchers to match, because Patton had picked them out for him, and Virgil found that comforting. He went through the motions of getting ready: applying eyeshadow, brushing his teeth and hair, and finally going into the kitchen to eat slightly burnt pancakes. "You ready for your first day at school, kiddo?" Patton said, drizzling syrup on his pancakes. Virgil shrugged, "I guess. I don't know.. I'm kind of nervous." "Well, I understand. Don't worry too much, though, I'm sure that you'll find at least one friend in all those kids! Just be yourself, and you won't have anything to worry about!" Patton smiled brightly, and Virgil attempted to smile back. They finished up breakfast, then headed to school in the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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