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Hi everyone! I know, I know. It's been over a week since I updated either book. My teachers are loading me up with homework and school work because the trimester is almost over. Also Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for everything you guys have done for me! Also not only that, but our science fair is coming up and I had to do the project with a kid that does absolutely nothing (seriously don't be that type of person) and I ended up doing all the work. Which basically means building it, writing an essay for it, and turning it in on time. So I'm sorry i haven't updated in a week. Also for anyone who is living in Florida and were effected by the shooting that happened at a high school today, you are in my prayers. I will hopefully update soon, if not I do apologize. I will definitely have a chapter up by Friday (I'm off of school) but if not before then I'm sorry!❤️❤️❤️

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