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It truly has been years since I have been on this site. Everything got so crazy in my life that even I didn't know what happened. First of all, I want to say that I am so very sorry that I left without a word and left you all wondering if I was ever coming back. Second I want to say now that I'm back there will be regular updates on stories that I release in the future, I don't have a set schedule as of yet but I'll let you guys know.

On the topic stories, I really want to delete my previous stories from years ago, reason being that I do not want to edit and and change anything. If I was to do that, it would take too much time and prevent future stories being released. Right now, I have them on private, if you have any suggestions on what I should do with them please let me know.

Another thing I want to speak on is the content my future stories will have. Everything will be different from previous stories. The feeling, format everything. I probably will not be doing any more fan fiction/celebrity stories, but if you have a request, I may consider it. I have gotten better at writing and conveying feelings into my characters without it being /cringy/.

I really want to get back to where I was with everyone and if any of you have any questions you want to ask, or just to talk, just message or do anything and I'll be happy to talk to you.


Now that that's over. With this new story, its completely different from my other stories, in terms of my writing. I really hope you guys like it and please comment any feedback you have it really helps. This story does have violence in it and it will only be one chapter. Again please let me know if you guys like the story and comment please!


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