Chapter 1 - I Agreed

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We all know bullying is unhealthy, it happens everywhere, it can happen to anyone, it can be by anyone.... Anybody can be your bully, your neighbour, cousin, friend, classmate, senior, teacher, even you. Yes you!! You can be your own bully, your own mind can bully you...!!

Chapter 1

I was stuck In the darkness
"No redemption no redemption
You are stuck in here forever"
Said my bully!

"You are not worth it,
Nobody likes you,
You are a waste of everyone's time
You better kill yourself!
Why do you wanna live
And make everyone upset?"
Asked my bully!

You are ugly,
You are fat,
Nobody wants you,
Take this and cut yourself
Said my bully!
I agreed!  believed! Obeyed!...

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