Ichigo's diary

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It was Valentines day yesterday! I handed out chocolate to anyone I saw. Then... I waited for Suzukawa sensei. My heart started beating. I really do love him... But I need to concentrate on my aikatsu! I am number one! I need to do my best and encourage everyone to try beat me! Suzukawa...
No! Must not think about him! He's like a wall trying to separate me and my passionate aikatsu!
Was he really the wall? Or was it... My aikatsu? Was my aikatsu the one separating us. Do I really love him though? A boy came over to me and placed his hand on the wall behind me. 
I want to see Suzukawa... Am I even meant to be waiting for him? Aren't I just wasting my time??


I looked up to see Suzukawa and flinched. Why?? WHAT?? HUH?

"Suzukawa sensei?!" I shouted. He stood back up straight. I stared at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I looked around. What was he even doing here??

"Oh that's right." I said, taking out chocolate. I held it out in front of him. "I was waiting for you." Suzukawa sensei took the chocolate. Should I ask him about... it? 

"Happy Valentines day... Nao..to.." I stuttered. Did I just say his first name??? Kya!

"Yeah. Happy Valentines day... So... How is your aikatsu going?" He asked.

"Akari chan. She's getting extremely close to my level now. I wonder how much longer..." I smiled.

"I see, what's your place in the aikatsu ranking?"

"Number one. It's been a year now. Two years actually."


"For some reason, I feel like I need to hand my spot down-"

"Don't do it."

"Suzukawa sensei? Why??"

He could be my wall.

"You fought for the spot. Idols will fight to get to number one."

"But I... Just wanted to take.. a break..."

"Why is that?"

He... is my wall.

"I want to spend some time with a certain someone."


"I can't... tell you."

"Is it a boy?"


"You know that there can't be romance between idols."

He is my wall.

"I know! I know! But... I really want to...."

Suzukawa sensei made a impatient face.

"Is he... really that important to you?"he asked quietly. I nodded confidently.

"Sorry... You're going to have to ask the headmaster about-" before he could finish, I pushed past him and sprinted off. 

He is my wall!

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