Part 16

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I did as the dragon told me to. But before that, I had to do something first, which is: win Edward's trust. I sent a letter for him with Bernard that says:
Dear Edward,
I know that you are in a shock and probably even do not want to see my shadow. I know that what you are going through is not easy, and I should not have pushed you hard to remember me. But I know that deep inside you, you know that I am right. No one would have attacked anyone and claim him to be a close relative unless it was true. I just wish that you would forgive me and talk to me so I could make things clear for you.
If you believe me, even slightly, then I shall be waiting for you tonight in my chambers. And if not...
With love,

*Edward's P.O.V*
How would you feel if some one you never saw in your entire life comes and tells you I am your sister and you are my brother? Well, it happened to me, and I can tell you how I feel: pissed, shocked, angry, losing my mind, can't think of anything,...
I met her at the feast, she didn't say anything then. She acted all normal. The next thing I see is her making drama and saying that I am her brother. How is that even possible?

I kept walking back and forth in confusion when Bernard entered. "Where were you?" I asked him. "Have you any idea how badly I needed to talk to you? Have you heard that girl? Can you believe anything she said? She must be crazy, or had mistaken me for some one else. I never have seen her in my life. How can I have a sister and not remember her? Why aren't you saying anything?" He was just standing there, staring at me. "If you'd only close that big mouth of yours, maybe then I could speak." He was right. I haven't given him a chance.

I stopped talking and Bernard asked, "Well, if you are so sure about that, why are you so nervous? There's nothing to worry about as long as you're confident in that memory of yours." He walked towards his bookshelves and grabbed a book. The problem is - I can't believe I'm saying this - I kind of believed what she said. I don't know why, but when she was talking and crying, she seemed to be telling the truth. And seeing her tears run down her cheeks moved something inside me. Why, I asked myself. Why was I affected by her? I couldn't find a sensible answer.

"Edward," Bernard walked over to me. He gave me a letter. "Who is it from?" He stared at me and said quietly, "I think you know." And I did. I went to my room, closed the door and read the letter.

Should I go, or should I not? I now realized that there may be sense in what she said. But after what happened between us yesterday, I don't think I could face her. But if she sent me this letter, that means she had forgiven me, right? What am I saying? Avery can't be angry at me for so long. She can't stand it. Wait! How did I know that? How could I possibly know that? Am I starting to remember? I'm freaking out!

I went to Arden to see if he needed anything before going to sleep. "I haven't seen you around today, Edward. I don't remember giving you a day off." I was preparing his bed and didn't say anything for a while. "I... I wasn't feeling well, sire. Sorry. Won't happen again." He knew that there was something else. For your information, there are two people I can never lie to: Bernard and Arden - except for the magic thing, of course. "Edward, you can lie to the whole world, but not to me. What is it?"

I thought for a moment. "Arden, if some one came to you, some one you don't know - or at least, you think that you don't know, and told you that you are their relative, a very close one. And their words affected you somehow, and you felt deep inside you that there is a connection between you two, what would you do?" I can't believe I asked him that. He looked at me as if I'm weird. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Sorry, you don't have to answer the question," I told him.

I was going to leave when he stopped me and said, "Wait. Well, I guess that I would look for answers. Find out what kind of relation we might have, because thinking about it won't do me any good. It would just give me a headache - like you do. So yeah, I would look for answers. And that is what you should do." "What! Me? No, no, you got me..." "Edward, I told you. You could lie to anyone but not to me. And I'm not going to ask you anything because it's not my business. That would be all, you may go."

I left the room and kept thinking. Finally, I decided to pay Avery a visit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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