Drunk Accident

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(Third POV)
"7 shots in Zachary Henry Winston is still coming strong with it can he handle another one?" Said Ash.

"Is this even a good idea I mean he is underage" Tati whispered to Ash which was acting like a WWE commentator.

"I know it looks bad but just look at his face" Ash said chuckling.

Zach collapsed onto the table, the drink falling out from his hand. Katelyn ran to Zach asking him "ZACH ARE YOU ALRIGHT??? WAKE UP" she said while shaking Zach.

"Hahah, I wanna swlepp(sleep)" Zach slurred out.

"Ok we had fun, now we need to drag him back home" Ash said while trying to pick up Zach

"I think you need some help with that Ash" Tati said giggling.

"Come let's drag him home" Katelyn said sighing.

The 3 dragged Zach back to the apartments but that wasn't the hard part but the stairs were the obstacle since the elevators were out.

"Oh no, why did the elevators have to stop working but the stairs THE STAIRSS AHHH" Ash said dramatically almost making Zach fall.

After a good half hour of pulling and dragging, they finally made it to their apartments.

"Alrighty here you go Katelyn take good care of Zach see you tomorrow :D" Ash handed Katelyn Zach and dashed into his apartment leaving Katelyn with Zach and Tati.

"Ahem I'll be off now also" Tati also dashes into her apartment leaving Katelyn and Zach alone.

(Katelyn's POV)
Welp ok this is fun, I dragged Zach into the door. I put him on the sofa so I can lock the door after locking the door I felt two arms around me, it was Zach. He was hugging me from behind, he started saying.

"Katelyn, I'm tired, I'm lonely, I'm scared. Please don't leave me I don't want to get hurt again"

I was stunned from what he said, he loosen his grip and stood there still drunk, I started guided him to his room. I laid him in his bed, he stated to doze off. As I wanted to get up I felt his grip on my wrist again.
"Katelyn please stay with me"

I sat back down on his bed, I stroked his soft jet black locks that tangle my fingers. "I'm here Zach don't worry about me leaving I'm always here"

Zach let go of my wrist and fell into a deep slumber. His breath filled the air with the scent of alcohol, I put a cup of water next to him just in case he needed and left the room. I took one last look before I went to my room, he looked at ease.

I went to my room and headed to the bathroom, I washed my face and damped it dry. The night was quiet, I opened the curtains to look at the scenery. The lights that surround the city it was beautiful, it makes me miss home. I climbed into bed holding my stuff toy that I kept for years I named him Mark, the scent on him made me feel happy it was comforting. Slowly my eyes felt heavy and before I knew it I was fast asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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