2. Practice Makes Perfect (Emily's POV)

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Every family has its issues, but it doesn't help that everybody has powers. My mother, Koda, and my father, Mason, they were seperated... Mom fought and fought for him, but it's as if something possesed him and murdered her. Then he just left, went away with no warning, leaving everyone behind. He never asked for this life, so I guess he just wanted to start a new life. Even though we still have a war to finish.

The battle has been going on just a little bit before I born. I basically grew up with hunting, magic, just hell. My grandparents have took me in and I can see the pain in their eyes. I look just like my mom, aand it's hard trying to fight for mankind when you still want to fully greive for your mother. Although I want to know what happened to my father. Maybe I can get him to fight if I get the thing possesing him.

Carolina says that lucifer has possesed him, because he would on of the three only vessels he can survive in. Just me, my mother, and my father, although you have to let him in. Zack tells me everytime I ask, I know the story by heart now:They had a plan, serverily stupid, but it seemed like a good idea. The plan was for Mason to take lucifer in himself, and for Koda to make lucifer disappear with the good in my father's heart. Turns out thats what he was planning all along. As she tried to expell him, Lucifer fused himself with Mason's soul. He killed what was left of my father, he acted just like him. He did it so well he completly tricked everyone till the last second. He stole her last breath, and she died in my grandparents arms. The buidling around them was crumbling, they grabbed me, and left town.

I never met my father, but my mom...she visits everynight. I can talk to her and practice with her. Even though she is just a ghost...for now. She tells me everynight that once I face the devil, make sure that he is gone. She doesn't want to see my father hurt, but try to find every possible way to save him. He once was a great man, don't let him be known for evil. She gives me her memories of him, so I'd know if it was truly him or not. I can sense things and morph, just like those before me. Although it isn't much, we will get rid of him and my grandfather will take his place. I was never fighting for mankind, I am fighting for my mother. After all practice makes perfect, right?

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