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WARNING: violence involved, scenes of blood and sociopathic behaviour.

Otherwise enjoy...

Crimson matched the viridescent underbrush quite well as it pooled around tree roots and stained green bushes murky brown, a dripping sound like a loose tap, which should've blended in with the the nocturnal noises of nighttime creatures, resonated close by. However to Jungkook's victim it's stuck out like a timer, ticking away, dripping away and wasting time or perhaps it was more like a heartbeat going drip, drip.... drip, drip... drip, drip. God help him when the dripping stopped.

A low mumbling could be heard over the hum of night and the whisper of wind. It was a monotone voice speaking, flat humour dancing along rises and falls in the breathy voice, if his victim listened carefully enough.

Jungkook gazed as his victim while the man's sight was weakened, a pitiful mess strewn out before him, the man's business attire once black and white now rosey red, his nose grazed, lines went down his cheek where the floor dragged along his face and his eye was becoming swollen from where Jungkook was forced to jab his knuckle into his eye roughly to simmer down his struggling. His victim was a middle aged man with rugged features and premature wrinkles, he was a family man, well he was before his face was mushed into the dry mud. His name was Cha Taewoo, owner of several car dealerships.

Taewoo felt his stomach drop suddenly as a dreadful feeling flooded into him like he had no leverage on this world anymore. He hadn't a clue what this strange maniac of a man was mumbling about. He couldn't see clearly with half his face pressed to the ground, his cheek sore. He flinched when he heard a familiar sound. Not a sound he wished to hear in his current circumstance come to think. The sound of knifes sliding together, a smooth sound, a sound he'd heard countless times on cooking programs on the small areal box tv in the kitchen. The sharpening of knives. It was chilling all these noises in the darkness all but a flickering car headlight to light up the autumn littered earth. A giddy laugh had him inhaling quickly in a choked gasp. The laughing soon developed into a frenzied guffaw of what could only be described as evil chuckles.

"Ahh you won't last long I'm afraid, I had planned to make this last a loooong time but your blood just cant seem to stay in your body," Jungkook let out a few almost childlike chuckles gesturing to Taewoo's chest filled with previous torturous marking Jungkook had carved into him with a small chisel and hammer, nasty weapons. Jungkook smirked as the man wriggled a little before flinching back when he raised his hand to touch his lip in thought "oh dear and now I'll have to make it quick before the blood loss kills you, such a pity don't you think? Now...."

He stood, his victim heard his feet crunch and shuffle on the gravel as he rose and then two long legs were in front of his face.

"We mustn't prolong this any further."

Jungkook got closer and closer until he was crouching before the frightened man, the very bad man. Oh yes and of course Mr Renowned for selling cars is no Mr Perfect, he's more like Mr Dirty Crime when it comes to titles. He's a cheat, a felony and a fraud buts that's presides the point. He's a good businessmen or at least he was, he won't be for much longer and there's a reason for that. He's launderer and it looks like Jungkook's latest employer caught on. He hired him to do the dirty work shortly after, not that Jungkook didn't enjoy his job.

He grabbed the mans head by his hair lifting him up slightly.

Why, he dare so it thrills him when it comes to his line of work. He smiled down at the man before slicing the large combat knife straight through his jugular, pushing until it pierced all the way through his throat and stuck out the back of his neck, dripping crimson.

Finally the dripping sound stopped as his heavy lifeless head made a thud sound as it hit the floor once again, his entire form falling back and his blood was left to soak into the dirt and fallen leaves.

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