Heir of Merlin

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Narfang opened the door to the dark room and left me alone in the dark. Suddenly, a torch was lit on the wall and I could see a faint outline of someone with a long beard. "Merlin, are you there?" He didn't answer so I just stood and waited for something to happen. I waited for 10 minutes before the figure spoke. "You have passed the test of patience." I raised an eyebrow.

Then, a desk, chair, parchment and quill appeared. On the parchment was a test with a truth seeing potion. After I stood there for a minute looking sceptical, the figure said, "I'm not getting any younger."

I sat down and filled out the questions on the parchment, and when I finished the figure said, "You have passed the test of integrity." Then, I felt my mind being invaded. I immediately put up my shields to block him out until I heard in my mind, "Don't be afraid. The point of this test is for me to see who you truly are." I put down my shields and saw all my memories flash before me: being forgotten by everyone except the house elves, my parents beating me when I did anything better than Harry, and worst of all, the time James and Lily locked me in the under the stairs. He pulled out and stated, "You have passed the test of endurance." Then, the silhouette became whole, and the darkness cleared so I could see the figure clearly.

"Young child, you have passed a feat that no one before has ever managed. You are patient, honest, kind and strong. You will be a very powerful witch, more powerful than myself. With these powers come a great responsibility. You must watch out for Albus Dumbledore." A key appeared in front of me. "This is the key to Vault 005, where you will find many tomes and treasures to help you on your way. My staff is also in there and will appear to you in times of need. Jade Cassiopeia Black, I now declare you as my Heir, with all the power and artefacts that come with my name. From now on, you shall be known as Jade Cassiopeia Black-Merlin. I bid you good day." With that, the figure left and I was transported into the room where Padfoot and Moony were waiting.

"Well? Did it work?" I nodded. "I am officially the Heir of Merlin." I showed Narfang the key and he took me down to Vault 005. I walked in and saw necklaces, earring, bracelets, tiaras and in the middle was a long silver staff encrusted with jewels and a note.

To my Heir,

This staff is very powerful and will help you a lot when you need it. It can shrink to become a wand if you wish to look less suspicious. It is made of pure silver, yew wood and dragon heartsring core.



After I had collected what I needed and much more, I apparated with Sirius to the International Portkey office, where we then got a portkey to France for my school shopping.

Meanwhile, the three Potters had almost finished shopping for Harry's school supplies, not thinking about the other member of their family. They walked into Ollivander's to get the final item on Harry's list. The first wand they tried was Holly and Phoenix feather, 11 inches, Ollivander was so sure that would be it but instead Harry ended up with Willow, Unicorn hair, 9 inches. Ollivander fire called Dumbledore as soon as the Potters left.

Dumbledore paced his office, wondering why Voldemort's brother wand didn't work for Harry and a small seed of doubt was planted.

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