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As the days continued Mina's health became weaker and weaker but it cant be seen physically because she is with her Chaeyoung....Which makes her happy

The doctor Spoke to Mina's Parents ....saying

"Maam Mina has almost reached her limits,we all did our best,but the luck isnt on our side,Im sorry"

"You did well Doctor and we appriciated it"  her mom said....Mrs.Myoui broke down tears

Then his father asked ,Can mina stay at our House?

She can Mr.Myoui but if you will do that she needs serious attention,the doctor replied

Hmm we can give her our full attention and besides our Mina wants to get out of this place...he said it low tone of his voice

Alright Mr.Myoui by tommorrow Mina will be discharged...

Thankyou said the both of them...

Mina's Pov

Im lucky to have him....im lucky to have chaeyoung...
its been 3days since he decided to take care of me...I will sure miss him
Everyday i feel week...i feel numb but chaeyoung makes me feel happy so much happiness
He was sleeping  in the couch,i looked at him lovingly...his nose..his lips..his mole under his lips....i will sure miss him when the time come

I decided to write him a special letter...i will soon give it to him when the time comes...

Then my mom told me i would be discharged tommorrow she did not lie she told me everything....For a moment i was happy that i would be able to leave this room and go to the outside world....But sad at the same time because i know any minute now i could leave and never return...

I love Chaeyoung....i'll always will...😕😢

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