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Winter's eyes were glued to her ceiling as if in a trance.

It was time.

A light knock echoed throughout her silent room. The visitor didn't try to come in or talk, it was just a soft knock to remind her of the time. But she knew, how could she not?

Quietly she stood up and planted her feet firmly on the ground trying to regain her grasp on reality. Winter's black heels made light clops as she walked to the mirror. Adjusting her onyx colored dress slightly, Winter took a deep breath.

She could do this. She needed to do this, not only for the sake of her family— but for herself, too. Taking a delicately folded up piece of paper off of her vanity she examined the words carefully. Winter had written each word with a care and emotion that she didn't think she could ever replicate.

Glancing down at the piece of paper she tried to piece together the sentences in her head. Winter looked directly into her own eyes through the vanity mirror. She had to speak them. They needed to hear what she had wrote. She needed to hear what she had wrote. But every time she opened her mouth nothing but air came out.


Frustrated she threw the speech to the ground. What was the use if she couldn't even say the words on the damn thing. Tears violently fell down her face. Winter opened her mouth again to say the words on her mind, but no sound escaped her lips.

No sounds at all. Only the short gasping breaths she made while she wept echoed in the room.

She curled herself into a ball cursing herself for being so weak.

Just say them! Say the damn words.

Winter opened her mouth one more time to try and say something— anything.

But she couldn't.

Suddenly, a soft hand caressed her back as she cried. Winter's tear stained eyes whipped up to see her father. He must have entered the room without her realizing. His crystal eyes were bloodshot and glowed almost unnaturally, his usual easy-going expression replaced with one of sorrow, and regret. His thick blonde hair was barely combed to be presentable, but he was still the dad she knew. When his eyes met hers an uncontrollable sob consumed him. He brought his large hands to her face and cupped her cheeks. Using both of his thumbs, he attempted to wipe all her tears away, all the while allowing his own to continue to stream freely down his face.

" I'm so sorry, snowflake." He chanted," It's okay, go ahead— let it all out."

Winter's breath caught in her throat. He hadn't called her that since she was little.

" I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He repeated.

Winter flug herself into his embrace, seeming to know what she needed he carefully cradled her shaking body. He rocked her back and forth slowly attempting to calm both of them down. Though to no avail, it did nothing to silence the tears that continued to stream down Winter's face.

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