Suzie and Peppa

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Peppa rolls off the bus just as the school bell rings. She stands up as George gets off the bus behind her, trapping his excess flab in the closing door. George squeels in pain as Peppa walks into school, ignoring her brother. George eventually rips his flab free from the door before scurrying into school after her.

Peppa sits down in class next to Suzie Sheep. Today they would be learning about the Purge. Peppa was very excited. She was well prepared as she had already written a list of what she wanted to do. Peppa was very eager to express her wishes and feelings for the Purge with her class, but she couldn't share her plans otherwise her class would discover her wicked plans.

After class, Peppa hopped on her segway and rolled down the corridor towards the back playground. She had arranged to meet Suzie here in class. Peppa needed to discuss some things with Suzie. Serious things...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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