'Its a no from me'

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I walk into school and all heads turn to look at me.  Everyone looks at me with lust and or envy. Is what I wish I could say. I walk into school and no one really looks past. I walk with my arm linked with Clara's and we walk to our lockers. Some of my friends compliment me on my new look. I smile and give my gratitude to them.

As we arrive at my locker, I begin to offload and load in my books. Clara is behind me frantically looking side to side and all around.

"What the hell are you doing Clara?" I say as I shit my locker

"I'm looking out for Sebastien, he needs to see this beauty" she doesn't stop looking around

"His locker is at the other end of the school, by would he in this area?" I drag her to our first class "Anyway, I have most of my classes with him anyway so your wish will come true"

"Oh yeah! He is" she claps her hands once "I've been looking forward to this"

"Jesus Christ Clara" I drag her into the English room and I sit down, she walks over to her seat and sits down.

Seeing as our English teacher was a devil, she gave us assigned seats. I sit next to a boy called Matt, he is Sebastien's cousin but he's not like him at all. He's very sweet.

Some time passes and students starts to walk into the class. I'm read a book as I feel someone's presence next to me. I look up and see Matt sat next to me.

"Hey Bianca" he smiles "You look really nice"

"Thank you Matt, Clara insisted that she gives me a makeover" I chuckle slightly

"Classic ol' Clara" he laughs as well but hesitates before continuing "I heard what happened with Sebastien"

My face drops and I smile weakly at him "I don't even want to be with him, we're just tied together because of some stupid legend from over 100 years ago" I tried to reassure him and myself

"I know, Seb told me about everything that happened.... He is a good guy. He's just...confused. He doesn't know what he's doing. He'd be insane to pass up a girl like you" he winks at the end of his sentence

My eyes widen and my head drops as I smile to myself. I can hear her him chuckling under his breath. Our demon of a teacher then walks through the door and sit up front.

Halfway through the lesson. We're all writing a task the teacher just gave us. Then the door bursts open. Sebastien bursts in, his forehead covered in sweat. Everyone, including the teacher turned to look at him.

"Thank you Mr Lopez for a wonderfully dramatic entrance. Let's hope it will be that good in detention tonight" she turns back to teaching the class

Sebastien drags his feet to his chair which was oh so conveniently behind mine and Matt's. A couple of minutes pass and I feel something hit the back of my neck. I turn around and see Sebastien innocently looking off into the distance. He continues throwing small balls of paper at me.

"Stop it" I hiss under my breath

"Miss Reynolds! Do you have something you want to share with the class?" I stay quiet "Well I suggest you stop talking"

I roll my eyes as I hear Sebastian, who is still throwing paper balls, laughing under his breath. I ignore all his attempts to make me crack until he squirts some water at me, causing me to squeal.


I sigh in my chair as Sebastien chuckles behind me and Matt glares over at Sebastien. He doesn't bother me for the rest of the lesson, as his goal has been achieved.

*time skip*

The whole day goes by quickly, a couple of my friends point out and compliment my new look. The whole point in this look was to get Sebastien's attention but he really didn't seem to care. This was all Clara's idea anyway, I don't really care about Sebastien's opinion of me. Speaking of the devil I walk into the detention classroom to see him sitting there.

"Miss Reynolds, how nice of you to grace us with your presence" the teacher gives me a fake smile "You can help Mr Lopez with the stapling I asked him to do" she hands me the stapler and gestures to Sebastien at the back of the classroom.

Sebastian flashes his pristine teeth into a smile as I walk over to him. I sit down and begin to staple the sheets of paper with him.

"So what's this all about?" He breaks the silence between us

I ignore him and continue stapling

"This whole thing" he gestures to me "Stop it"

"Excuse you, but who are you to tell me what I can and can't do"

"Last time I checked I'm your mate, and alpha. Sooo yeah I kinda can tell you what to do" he smiles again at me

Looking at him, I want to give him a slap to wipe that stupid smile off his face.

"Oh yeah and the make up" he continues "It's a no from me"

I roll my eyes and continue to ignore him. My blood was boiling but I had to control myself.

Throughout detention, he keeps on making snide remarks but I ignore him and continued with the stapling. As detention finishes we both walk out of the classroom and out of the building.

I begin to walk home as I see him get into his car. He then pulls up to me and drives at the same pace as my walking speed.

"Get in, let me give you a ride home" he flashes another pretentious smile

"No thanks, I'd rather choke" I imitate his smile

"Come on, a pretty lady like you walking these streets, all alone?"

"Please just leave me be" I roll my eyes at him

"Suit yourself princess. By the way you look better without the make up" he winks before driving away.

I scoff and continue the trek home.

A/N : bonjour, hola, aloha. This will probably be my only authors note throughout the whole book. But I just wanted to apologise for all cringe parts of this book. I am aware of all the cringe parts I have written but I decided to leave them in because I'm stupid. I'm 15 and I have very little experience in professional writing so I am cringe city. Just don't be hard on me

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