Opposites Attract

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Felicity was half awake, barely grasping onto her 6th cup of black coffee, her head about to smash into her keyboard in




"Felicity, I need you to run some...data." Oliver had walked into the base to a completely asleep Felicity, who was somehow balancing her mug, with her forehead on the space bar. Oliver couldn't help but grin when he saw her, snoozing quietly, mumbling her notes that she was writing out on her computer. He waltzed over to her desk and stared at her, with an empty look on his face. Something inside him turned, knotted, creating a pit in his stomach that showed itself whenever Felicity was in sight, and it has always been there. Just Oliver could never find out why. Anyway, he knew he should help her, after all. It's what friends do. He grabbed Felicity a blanket, and decided it would be best that she didn't have a mug of piping hot coffee and placed it on her desk for later when she happened to wake up. He lingered by her side, so badly wanting her to wake up. For now, Oliver just wanted to train. He couldn't sleep, too many painful memories from the island that he spent years a castaway on and too many painful memories of murder. It sent chills up his spine just thinking about it all.

"Oliver, can—" Dig had just walked down the stairs to see Felicity fast asleep, with her notes still open on the bright PC screen. He sighed as he walked over to Oliver and patted his shoulder, they were both watching her sleep.

"Hey Dig, um. You wanna spar? I could use it." Oliver turned around to face Dig, it was probably really early in the morning and he looked tired, "Unless, of course, you want to sleep." Dig chuckled and found a respective corner to start in. "Unless, of course, I kick your ass." Oliver scoffed, but decided to go with it. He slid off his shirt because, to be honest, he was dying in his disguise. Oliver then readied himself in his corner.

Dig charged first with an attempted punch to the gut, but Oliver slickly ducked away as Dig was running towards him and landed a punch on one of his ribs. Dig nearly fell backwards, trying to recuperate from what just happened but Oliver was already coming towards him, ready to strike. Dig swiftly moved out of the way, quickly enough to just make it away but slowly enough that he could have been on the ground right now. Oliver gridded his teeth, fully focused on winning this fight. He stood upright, breathing heavily, waiting for Dig to make the next move. "So what, you give up?" Dig taunted. But Oliver didn't answer.  Dig ran to Oliver, but jumped out of the way hoping to confuse him. But, Oliver turned to him, grabbed his shoulder, and launched him away. Dig landed on his flat on his back, and when he got up he was at a bit of a hunch. Dig tried a direct attack this time: No turning away, just hitting Oliver. Exactly what Oliver wanted. Dig gained an uppercut on him, but Oliver was ready for the next attack and grabbed his arm, twisting it and slamming Dig to the ground. Still holding his arm in a tight position, Oliver placed his foot on Digs shoulder.
"I yield! I yield," Dig sighed, staring up at Oliver's face, a smile spreading across his face. He put out a hand for Dig and lifted his leg off his shoulder. Once Dig was up, they high-fived.

"Damn, play-boy. That was a lot more painful than I remember it being." Dig slumped on a chair, and Oliver walked over to a trash can, and spat blood.

"And this is the first time you made me bleed," Oliver congratulated, then Felicity started to stir. Suddenly, all of his attention was on Felicity and nothing else.

"Oliver, she isn't going to die if you look away from her," Dig taunted Oliver again. Oliver spun around, scowling, and punched Dig in the exact same rib again. "Ow!!" Dig yelled, making Felicity wake up. Oliver crept over to her, as her eyes gently fluttered open.
"Hey. Welcome back to reality." Oliver laughed, bending down so Felicity could see him. Felicity smiled and yawned. "Am I crazy or is your shirt off?" Felicity questioned, still kind of out of it. Oliver laughed again, "Dig and I were sparing." He answered, moving out of the way so Felicity could see Dig. "Hi Dig," she said groggily and rubbed her eyes. Felicity straightened her posture in her chair and turned back to the computer.

"I have to work quickly, I need to hack into the Count's data base, I have to—" Felicity's hands were flying across the keyboard a mile a minute, not even Oliver could see what she was typing. "Felicity. Stop, you have to sleep. In fact, I want you to go home," Oliver said with a worried tone, placing his arm gently on her shoulder. This made Felicity's heart pound but she had to focus not on Oliver, but on her work.

"I'm fine, Oliver. Trust me, I can take care of myself—" Oliver didn't let her finish.

"No. No. I don't doubt that you can take care of myself but I doubt that you know when to stop. You have to make time for yourself and—" Oliver was now pacing and waving his arms, like he did when he was trying to make a point.

"What and live in luxury like you, Prince?" Felicity completely snapped, she was grouchy today and she didn't want to be told how to take care of herself, especially from someone who was pampered his whole life.

"Fine! Stay here! I'll be-"

"In your house with your velvet bed sheets and your perfect clothes and your—"

"ENOUGH." Dig commanded. The 2 were frozen in front of Dig, he hardly yells. "You," he said pointing at Felicity, "Go home. And you," he said pointing at Oliver, "Go cool off." Both Oliver and Felicity growled, but did what they were told and went in their opposing directions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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