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×Hae Ra's POV×

It has been a week that I got discharged from the hospital and my condition is slowly getting better.

I was cleaning our room when I saw a picture of Jinyoung laying on the floor. I picked it up and saw numbers written on it, it was the same date that I woke up from my coma. Something else was written on it, it said:

Still waiting for Jagi. Hurry up and wake up!💖

I sat at the bed and saw that there was a box on the bedside table. I opened it and saw letters from Jinyoung when I was still on a coma.

Some were him telling me that he misses me, telling me that he hasn't still gave up, telling me about the things he did and a letter when our 2nd anniversary came, telling me that he is still waiting.

There's this one letter that caught my attention, it was a letter he wrote the day I woke up from my coma. It was a letter of him telling me that he misses me and he promised me that he will be there when I wake up but he wasn't.

He never told me that he'll go to Busan and he promised me that he'll be there when I wake up.

It confused me more so I decided to confront my parents.

"Mom, where did Jinyoung go?" I asked sternly, she just looked at me with a worried look.

"He never told me in his letters that he went to Busan, and he promised me that he'll be there when I wake up but where was he? Mom, are you lying to me?" I asked raising my voice a bit.

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