Six Minutes

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 6 minutes.

That's all the time I have.

6 minutes until the pain is over, 6 minutes until I finally die.

Six minutes. Both seemingly an eternity and no time at all. As I write this final note to those who will wonder what happened, I realize how much I have to say and how little time I have to say it in. My name is Alexis Nicole Fairfoxx, though I am more commonly known as Alex N. Foxx. I've made many mistakes in my life, but messing with Him was the worst of them all. Many say names have power, so I don't want to say His for fear of him finding me then hunting any of you down.

Five minutes. The mistake was absolutely horrendous- promise me you will never do anything like it. You need to promise. I know it will be hard for you, but you can't go after him.

Four minutes. This is all my fault. If had never tried to steal from Him in the first place, he wouldn't have done this. I tried to steal from him, so he killed me. By the time you get this note, I'll be dead. I'm sorry everyone. I thought that by taking the key, the person who would end up starting the apocalypse wouldn't be able to... I didn't realize...

Three minutes. The demons are coming, my time almost up. I started the apocalypse, guys, it's my fault. The world is ending now, and by trying to stop the prophecy, I caused it. I never thought, how would I've known? I should've known. It's almost like all the mythology, how by trying to stop the prophecy from happening, the prophecy was set into motion. The key, in the envelope with this letter, the last thing I ever say, will keep all of you safe. The lock in the Bunker, the lock we were never able to open, leads to a portal.

Two minutes. Open the door to the room, and go through the portal. The portal will lead you somewhere safe- another dimension probably. Once you go through, you won't be able to leave unless that place no longer becomes safe. In the other dimension, you will all take on the form of you in that universe. Don't hold on to any of your memories from this one, they aren't worth it. You may lose the key when you reach the other reality, but that's because it won't be needed. If you ever need it, you will be able to locate it again.

One minute. I'm terrified right now. The demons are surrounding me, waiting for my time to be up. I don't have nearly enough time to say everything I want to, so just know I'm sorry. If I could, I'd go back and fix it. But I can't. Please, don't mourn my death, and don't try to avenge me. This was my decision.

Time's up. Goodbye.

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