Wattpad things

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○I have trouble putting a book down

"Just one more chapter.."

●I reread books I like over and over again

"Your still reading that book?"
"No I finished it... (gets strange look) (in a defensive tone)What Its really good!"

♡I love spending my money on books

(Hands you a check) "Off to the bookstore!"

◇I could live in a bookstore

Couldn't we all?

☆I fall in love with words

"Oh! That word..."

¤I get to emotionally attacked to fictional characters

(Calls friend crying) "What's wrong?"
"M-my fav-favorite character*hiccups* ter d-died!"

(Calls friend crying) "What's wrong?""M-my fav-favorite character*hiccups* ter d-died!"

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