Ch.12 -Poor Haley...

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Ok, why does Haley have so many friends? She keeps on bringing people to meet us. Whatever, what matters is that I have her. The first moment I met Nathan and Alissa, Nathan's face was pitch red for some reason, and Alissa just looked confused. Now a week later, I see that she's always like that. Deaf, confused and no memory. Anyway's we're planning on seeing one of the famous volcanoes in Hawaii in 2 weeks. I don't even know. We're going all over the place and I just want to stay in one spot and spend time with my girl. Who knows how much more time I have left? Ok, I can't think about that right now.

"Haley, can we go somewhere?"

She looks around at all her friends and they shrug "Sure. Where?"

"Just a different room where everyone else isn't." I give her that look like it's super important

"Ok, everyone so this super important and don't take it the wrong way but all of you get out of the freaking apartment." Shit, this is why I love her. "Please" she adds after everyone looks at her.

I hear Ben mumble on his way out "what a pleasant girl you choose to love." As he passes I stuck the middle finger up at him just so he knows I heard his comment. I just love all my friends so much. Especially my little brother.

"Thanks Haley."

"Oh it was nothing I like telling people to get lost it's fun," she says, giggling. "So what'd you want to talk about?"

"Oh you know the other night when you came home, out of breath with your McDonald's" I say casually, I don't want her to know that I'm pissed.

"Can we not, I really don't feel like it," she mutters, looking a little scared.

"Haley, I'm just concerned. You said a guy followed you home from McDonald's in the shadows, for ten minutes, TEN FRICKING MINUTES, no one does that, like ever. I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to get hurt, your so pretty, any creepy perv would think that too."

"Hey calm down, Julien it's fine. It was a one time it most likely will never happen again. I was probably just over reacting it's no big deal."

"Most likely, is that supposed to make me feel better. I seriously need to know that you're alright."

Just as Haley goes to say something I hear a door creak, great of course they're all listening. I feel so bad for Haley she didn't want anyone to know and now they all do.

"Come in guys, I know your listening I'm not a complete idiot," I say fairly loud.

Alissa, Nate, Rachel, and Ben all come into the room and Haley's friends run towards her and hug her. They stay like that for about a minute or two and then Rachel finally says something.

"Why the hell didn't you tell us, is that what you wouldn't tell me that night?" Haley just stares at them all and I feel so bad for her, I just walk over and hold her. That's the least I can do right now. As I do that everyone else starts talking about it and I can tell it's hard for her.

"Can you all shut up, can't you see she doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want to say anything about it to me, and I was the only person she told can you all just please shut your mouths. I doubt she wants to hear you talking about it." Everyone just stares at me, but really at this point, I don't care. I just want my girl to feel better. I hate seeing her like this. I never thought the bold Haley could be so scared. 

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