The New Beginning

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Luke back to her room at 5pm sharp, and saw Joanne fast asleep and so did Rob who is snuggling to her. He didn’t see his parents anywhere in the room, nor did he care. He sat on the chair beside her bed and stared at the two sleeping on the hospital bed. Not so long, Rob woke up and rubbed his eyes.

“Daddy, you are back.” He tried to sit up, and when he did he jumped into Luke’s lap.

“Hello, little bear. How are you?”

“I don’t like it here. I just wanna be home with you and mommy.” He pouted.

“So do I, baby.” Rob held on to Luke so tight and nuzzled on his chest.

“Aw, that’s so sweet.”

“Hey there, sleeping beauty.”

“Mommy, let’s go home now. Please…” Said Rob more like begging.

She felt upset and lost for words. Then, Howard and Elizabeth entered the room.

“Oh, we just out for coffee, and you are here again, Luke.” Said his father.

“Now that you are here, we’ll just wait outside. You want to stay here or go out there with us, Robbie?”

“Hmm, I’ll just stay here with mommy and daddy.”

“Liz, Howie, thank you for everything.  I owe you a lot.”

“You are very welcome, Jo. And, never mind.” His wife just nodded and smiled. Then the couple left the room.

“Luke, could you please adjust this thing so I can sit properly.”

“Mhm.” And he did as she requested. Then she moved a bit so there’s more space on the side of the bed.

“Now sit here, would you?” Luke and Rob sat beside her on the bed. “I asked your parents to be Rob’s guardian when I left…”

Luke cut her sentence. “Ssshh, you are not going anywhere. You’ll be just fine. Everything will be just fine.”

Joanne stopped him with a vice like grip on his hand. “Listen to me, Luke. I want you to take care of Rob when I left. Would you?”

“Mommy, where are you going? Are you about to leave me and daddy? Let’s go home now, please.” Luke hugged him tight and tried to calm him down.

“Sssh, everything’s gonna be just fine, Rob. I promise.” Rob still worried but nodded.

“I’m so sorry that everything’s happened so fast…” Luke leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead.

“Hey, it’s not your fault.”

“ …and I’m so lucky that I can see you again after 10 years.” A drop of tear started to roll on his cheek.

She whispered “Wipe your tears, Luke. It makes me wanna cry, I don’t want that now, and I want you to stay strong for Rob.” She wiped his tears away.

“I’ll try my best, Princess.” She nodded and smiled.

“Robbie, would you give mommy some hugs and kisses?” Rob did that all keenly. He hugged his mom and won’t let go, then kissed her everywhere. “Oh, I love you, my little bear.”

“I love you too, mommy.”

“Now Luke, it’s your turn to give me some kisses.” He kissed her lips slowly, she kissed him back and the kiss turned into a hot, passionate kiss, then she backed for some air. “Thank you so much, Luke. I love you too.” He smiled and kissed her again softly and let her leaned back on the bed, and Rob was already back to his sleep on Joanne’s arm.

An Orphan and A PrincessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ