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Letting go can be hard.

It can hurt.

It can rip you apart until there is nothing left and all you feel is eternal pain.

Letting go of someone you lived to be around, someone you breathed for, someone you loved so much.

How can you even let go of someone you love?

It's not easy.

It's also not easy seeing the one you love with other people after they told you they would never hurt you. It's not easy seeing them move on so easy, even after they said they would always love and protect you.

Love is not a simple word to throw around. Love should be one of the hardest promises a person will ever make.

Love is not just a word it is a promise.

Love is a promise from one to another, not from one to a billion others.

How can the person that promises not to ever hurt you, hurt you the most?

That person could make you crumble into a ball of nothingness and die inside and out.

They can break you in any way they chose.

That person has so much lower in your life.

How is it so easy for them to move on and let go?

How do you get out of a maze if there is no exit?

Turn after turn, you can turn every way there is but you will never be able to leave.

How do you climb out of a hole that is bottomless?

You can't.

What is the point of living if you can't be happy while doing it?

There is none.

What is the point of living if all you're doing is breathing?

There is none.

Why not just end it all?

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