Chat to Connor between Rach and Connor

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Rach: Hey Connor I'm scared  to tell you something Connor 

Connor: Hey what is it Rach come on you can tell me just face your fear hun 

Rach: Ok  but its stupid though Connor 

Connor: It can't be that stupid Rach 

Rach: It is though 

Connor: Okay 

Rach: But Connor

Connor: Yeah 

Rach: If I tell you don't tell anyone 

Connor: I won't Rach

Rach: I think I'm falling for you Connor 

Connor: You are Rach 

Rach: Yeah 

Connor: Awe 

Rach: What 

Connor: I'm falling for you as well 

Rach: What can we do tho 

Connor: I don't know because your with All Crazy 

Rach: Yeah I know right 

Connor: But I like you so much 

Rach: Same 

Connor: Yea 

Rach: Yea 

Connor: Yea

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