Chapter 2- If you're not into foreplay, we can cut right to the chase

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Chapter 2-If you're not into foreplay, we can cut right to the chase-

Charlotte's POV

"What a fucking jerk," Charlotte mumbled angrily as she stormed through the mall, her hands tightly grasped on her stack of novels. "He acts like he's a fucking god or something," she grumbled before turning sharply and pushing through the Starbuck's doors. Charlotte threw her books down onto a table, startling the nearby adults. She closed her eyes and slowly counted to ten, deeply inhaling and slowly exhaling on each count. That's it, Charlotte, nice and easy. With one last exhale, she let the air gently escape her mouth and her breathing to become normal once more. Charlotte stood up slowly and stood behind the long line of thirsty customers. A loud beep caused Charlotte to jump and she looked around glaring at the people around her. The sound came again, and she thought it sounded closer than before.

"Miss, the sound is coming from your bag." A hairy man standing behind her said in an exasperated tone. "Kids these days," he quietly huffed before looking back at his Blackberry and poking at the keys.

Charlotte was about to snap a rude comeback, but was interuppted by the beeping that apparently was coming from her bag. She stuck a hand inside and dug around the tote for the culprit. It was her phone. Sighing, she plucked out her black iPhone and hit the home button to see what notifications she kept getting. Two texts from Big Boobs' Friend, one missed FaceTime call from Lifeguard #2, and one picture message. Bewildered, she scrolled down and was face to face with a close up image of Slutty Blonde Chick's chest. Charlotte let out a shriek and dropped the phone on the ground like it was made of lava. The Starbucks customers glanced over, annoyed, but turned back once they realized nothing interesting had happened. Slowly, Charlotte bent down and picked up the vile phone with the tips of her fingers. She moved the phone as far away from her as she could and unlocked it. Quickly deleting the photos from the messages, she cautiously scrolled through the phone trying to identify who's it was. Suddenly, it hit her in the face like a brick. Jackass from Barnes and Nobles.  "Can I get you something?" The short cashier asked her impatiently.

"Yes. A tall no-foam soy latte. Oh, a little less attitude on the side please." Charlotte bit back snarkily, slapping a five dollar bill on the counter. "And keep the change."

Charlotte grabbed her latte from the counter and scooped up her books, eager to get home. Easing her sleek new Mercedes from her parking spot, she merged onto the street lane and let the engine roar and come to life. "Ahh this is the life," Charlotte sighed as she rolled down the windows and turned the music loud and proud. She admired the clean interior of her car, still in shock that she earned the money for this beautiful, beautiful new ride. Turning down her street, she slowed as she approached the gates of her families ostentatious estate. Cringing inwardly, she waved to Martin, the guard at the gate, and he opened the steel bars for her to get through. Charlotte hopped out of the car after parking it in the five car garage (that was completely empty) and pushed through the Classic French doors of her home. At once, she felt out of place in her parent's spotless mansion. "Greta?" Charlotte called for her 'nanny', walking towards the kitchen. Nobody was home.

Charlotte raced up the grand marble staircase and into her large airy room. NOT! Her room may be large, but airy was not a word used to describe her room. Posters of her favorite bands were plastered on the far wall of the room, a large messy bed stood against the wall facing shelves and shelves of old books that were tumbling out onto the ground. Against the window sat a large wooden desk with a old, cracked laptop and SAT textbooks spilling all around. Charlotte carefully placed the books next to her bookcase to be out away later, and she flopped onto her bed and pulled out Jackass' phone. Dialing her phone number, she lied back onto her bed and stretched out.

"Hello?" A deep voice cracked from the phone.

"I believe that you have my phone?" Charlotte inquired, getting straight to the point.

The boy chuckled, "Well I've had girls stalk me before, but none of them have gone so far as to steal my phone," he said in an amused tone.

"Steal? I beg your pardon? Your clumsy feet tripped over one another and you knocked me over," Charlotte said in an annoyed tone.

The boy answered quickly, "I was blinded by your beauty. So you see, I can't be blamed for tripping when it isn't my fault that you're stunning face caused me to falter." 

Charlotte was taken aback; she did not expect him to say anything like that. Oh wait, why wasn't she surprised. He was obviously a player, just like someone else that she knew very well. "Breathe, Charlotte, you're done with him." She said softly aloud.

"Excuse me, hon?" A voice said, breaking her thoughts. 

Charlotte's neck and face grew hot as she realized that she had been talking aloud. "Shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you," she spat. 

"Woah there baby doll, let's not get angry. I don't even know your name, tell me about yourself. I want to know everything about you: where you come from, what you like, what your hobbies are, or what your name is. Or if you're not into foreplay, we can cut right to the chase. You and me tonight. Dinner, movie, then I can take you back to my place and slam you on top of my d-"

Needless to say, Charlotte hung up on him.




-Maddie Carter and butterbeerbottles-

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