Sorry Strings

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It was a chilly December... chillier than usual. The kind of chilly that makes you want to live on the sun.

Brynn was snuggled up in her fleece overcoat, waiting for the bus driver to swing open the creaky bus doors. Her petite hands were tightly secured in warm gloves, yet there was still a frigid sensation gnawing at her fingertips. 

I could really use some Starbucks right now.

" Be obedient kids." She spoke in a monotonous voice while unsealing the ancient doors. 

"Finally!" The bus riders huffed in unison.

Brynn carefully slid her viola case into her left hand and held it to her chest... she didn't want to accidentally drop it onto a snotty kid like yesterday. Woah, was that a terrible experience!

Once Brynn successfully exited the bus without any unfortunate case mishaps; she couldn't help but notice a new student. A gorgeous new student.

Oooh hey I love them genes you got there.

Brynn simply couldn't get over the fact that such exquisite creatures could live on Earth; or rather go to her boring public school.

But her astonishment got the best of her.

In the blick of an eye, Brynn suddenly slipped on the newly frozen concrete. The fall had no damage, she quickly picked herself up; brushing excess ice off of her drenched overcoat. 

Ugh, my coat!

Wait a second.... my viola!!

Brynn's face went as pale as the glacial terrain encompassing her.

She could cleary see her black viola case... in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!

The distressed teen cursed under her shaky breath. Her viola must've managed to fly out of her hands during the whole slipping incident. 

Not only was her poor viola case in the middle of the road, but she just noticed that her white leggings had ripped... right.near.her.buttcrack.

That's just PERFECT

And to put the cherry on top of the sundae, an incoming school bus charged over her case.

Hmph, lesson learnedNEVER take the bus to school!

(Author's Note-y thing)

Hey party people! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of DAILY  DILEMMAS!! Muahaha I'm not saying if this is true or false, you'll just have to think about it yourself ;3

Anywhales, the REAL moral of the story is to NOT get so distracted by attractiveness. Sure that dude was probs hot as lump, but you don't know if he's a jerk or not. Looks are deceiving my fellow mushrooms. (insert majestic peace sign)



This book is brought to you by the creative minds of Maddellen and Jeretoriaxo. Go ahead and check out Maddellen's books! (Jeretoriaxo currently doesn't have any published books, but idk if they would be good what idk potato snuffaluffagus)

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