Chapter 23

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*Still at the beach*

"What do you mean she's not In there!?!" Matt says


"We have to go tell everyone!" We run over to our spot where everyone is,

"Guys! We can't find Kenny anymore! We have to look for her!" I say

"Well weren't you with her?" Taylor says

"Yes I was! But she needed her purse and I told Matt to stay with her, but by the time I went to Matt, I bet Cesar entered and took her.." I say, I swear, If we don't find her soon, I don't know what I'll do.

"Alright, well let's all go out in groups, Michael and Leah, Austin and Alex, Zach and Robert, Cameron and Nash, Nash please please take good care of Aliyaah, And Kenzie, Matt and I Will be together." Taylor says, we all nod,

"Everyone has atleast one phone with them right?" I say

"Yes!" Everyone says

"Okay, let's get to looking!" Everyone goes their own way, Taylor, Matt and I put all the stuff away in the cars, I grab my phone to check if I have messages, and just like I thought I did, I have one from Cesar,

"Guys! I have a message from Cesar!" I say, they quickly come and look at my phone

"As you suspected, I have Kendall, Man, you don't know how much fun I'm gonna have with her, remember, I have people spying on your 'crew' They were with you in the restroom, they followed you to your car. They might even be near you right now." I stop reading it out loud and look around, I see a girl who quickly turns away, I continue reading it,

"You will never find your sister, to torture you, here's a picture, Have fun looking for her!

P.s I know you told everyone, beware, and don't you dare bring the cops into this." The picture is of Kenny in a dark room, They have her tied up, and tape on her mouth. I feel so broken. It should have been me, I don't want my sister to get hurt.

Part 2 Of Will you stay? (A Taylor Caniff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now