Was it only a dream?

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//Welp.. Hello there. :I I'm Veth.. And... Stuff.. And this is my kindofsortof first real fanfiction. Pairing's Snippy and Captein from Romantically Apocalyptic. Enjoy. :I There will be smut.. But not pointless smut.. Yes. Go. Read it,lovelies. 

It's been almost a year since I've joined this ridiculous group with a completely batshit insane leader better known as Zee Captein or Seven,how some people used to call him. I lay on the cold snow,freezing my arse,staring at the clouds,wondering what the hell was the point of us surviving. Were we supposed to save the world or something? It's already ,pretty much,destroyed so there's nothing we can do. 

Out of nowhere,there was a loud,girly like shout with a thick accent. What could he possibly want now,I wondered as I looked in the direction of the voice. Slowly,I got up and headed towards the tall figure. "What is it this time,Captein? Did you lose your straw? I think I saw Pilot messing with it..",I mumbled. 

"Ah,nein. That's not it,my Snippy sniper. Pilot is on a mission and my straw is perfectly safe~",he jiggled the mug,making the straw spin a few times before putting it in the hole on his mask,taking a sip of whatever he was drinking. 

I rolled eyes and nodded,straightening my back before trying to dust the annoying snow off of myself. "Is there something else I can assist you with?",I dared to ask,since I had nothing better to do anyway,why not just go on a dangerous mission and risk my life because of this lunatic? 

"As the matter of fact,yes! Come now.",he practically took my hand and began dragging me in a random direction. Usually,this would mean absolutely nothing to me,but for some reason,I felt my stomach turn at the very thought of this little sign of affection. I shook the thought off and followed him,stumbling a few times since we were going way too fast. 

Soon,we found ourselves in front of a giant broken and ,of course,abandoned ship. "Look at it. Isn't she beautiful. We shall call it Sinky.",he chuckled at his own words at which I just rolled eyes. How old was this guy anyway? Five? So called Captain began climbing which meant I had to follow like an obedient dog,which I clearly was. When we got to the top,my foot slipped and I fell down in snow. How accurate? 

"Oh Snippy? Where did you go,silly boob?",he leaned over the edge and somehow managed to slip as well and fall right on top of me. The guy was laughing like crazy ,for fuck's sake. What hit him in the head when he was little?!

"Ugh.. Are you alright,sir?",I had to stay formal,he's the leader after all... "Mhm~  No need to worry,little sniper. Nothing can kill this sexy beast,ja?",he slowly got up and pulled me up as well. "Now then,we shall not waste time!",he stated,rather loudly and began climbing once more,getting to the top,but this time,he turned around and offered a hand. Wait,he offered a hand? 

As any loyal dog,I took it,kind of eagerly,and let him pull me up. He was strong indeed. "Don't be so clumsy Snippy. If I wasn't here,you could've fallen and broken your neck and what's the use of a broken shoe?",he tapped his chin and looked around. There was a hint of excitement in his voice. Anything really could get this lunatic excited,or so I thought. "Let's explore Sinky! I'm sure there are some nice people there,ja.",he stormed inside. I didn't even realize he wasn't there until now. 

"Hey! Captein! Wait for me!",I yelled and followed his footsteps which led me inside. "Captein?",I looked around,gulping at the strange enterior. "Ja? Are you lost again,silly boob?",he chuckled and approached me,grabbing my hand which,once again,ment I was going to be dragged around. It wasn't as cold as we expected,to be honest. The inside of the ship was rather comfortable,unlike the building we lived in. 

"How do you like it so far..? Is it acceptable?",I mumbled,still quite impressed with the strange enterior. Captain remained silent for some time,which was rather odd,even for him. "It seems good enough to live here. Now,my loyal boob,go inform others while I look for Skully's brothers and sisters.",he said and let go of my hand. At the loss of contact,my face became blank,but I didn't realize that. Slowly,he disappeared and I couldn't see him anymore. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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