Lying There With A Halo In Her Hair

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Brendon's POV:

     "That was it. She's gone. Shot last month while she was going get some groceries for us. The police found her dead on the ground and jail broke her phone. They found my number and called me. It was over. I broke down and cried. (Y/n) was the light of my life. Imagine getting a phone call from a police officer saying that the one person who brought life to you everyday was found dead just an hour after they had been shot. I wish I was there with her. It was even worse when I rushed to the crime scene and she was on the ground. Her dark blood drenching her jacket. Not a single soul knew who had done it." I said explaining to (Y/N)'s best friend, Camille, at her funeral.

     "Oh. My. Gosh." Camille replied to me. "My own best friend, I just... I'm - speechless. Why did it have to be her? What caused somebody to do this?"

     "I don't know, darlin." I said through tears.

     My wife will truly be missed. I don't even think she knew her impact on this world and how many are devastated at her death. Especially Camille; they did so much together.

**Time Skip**

     The woman I was gonna grow old with, the woman who always was there with unconditional love and support, the woman who was my everything, my WHOLE WORLD was just taken from me by some idiot with a fucking gun. 

     The whole ceremony, I sat in tears. My beautiful girl is buried in the ground and I'll never see that face again. All I have is our pictures and memories. I want my baby back.

     Everyone is trying to celebrate her life but all I can think of is how sunken I am. It seems selfish but I was gonna give her such a good life and protect her. I failed. I absolutely failed.  I wanted to take that bullet for her. At least her parents are understanding but they aren't the happiest right now. 

     All her family and friends around me send back all of the memories of our bowling nights, holidays spent together, vacations, and everything just flooding back. All of my emotions start to take over and here I am again crying over her. Then her father walks up to me. I can see (Y/n)'s eyes on his face as a tear runs down my cheek. 

     "Hey son, don't be so hard on yourself. (Y/n) loved you to pieces and I'll never forget the day that the two of you drove away for prom. You made my little girl so happy and I can't thank you enough. Yeah, *sad laugh* she's gone but always know that her heart was beating for you and I'm so grateful that you are my son-in-law." he said as he patted my back.

     I wiped a tear away and gave a little smile. 

     *Another time skip*


     I keep looking through our old pictures and start to smile. I pictured her face that I saw in the casket. She was so peaceful and looked so pretty and humble. That was the last time I had touched her before watching her be buried in the ground. Her hand, cold, dry, and lifeless. Her facial expression was neutral but in serenity. I can imagine the halo already around her head. Such a beautiful angel.

     I just hope that wherever she is, she's being the joyful, kind, forgiving, brilliant, and astounding woman that I remember. 

     I climb into bed. I just want to sleep. This room is so cold and empty with her not here. I take the pillow and cry into it. I just want her here so I can run my fingers through her soft hair and kiss her forehead as she silently drifts into a deep sleep. All I can do is smile at the fact that I once had that privilege. My sobs calm and everything is black. I shut my eyes and drift off. This time, alone.

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