The Soldiers Girl.

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Chapter One:  How We Met.

Febuary 24, 2013

        "Fayeth, this is Jimmie." My friend Jayne introduced me too her incredibly gorgeous boyfriend.  She had that awh-struck look on her face, like she could'nt believe this boy was hers.  In all honestly, neither could I.  I mean, don't get me wrong. Jayne's a sweet, kind girl. Not the prettiest, but shes pretty in her own way.  Its just that Jimmie was that guy that every girl dreamed about having as her own.  Dirty blonde hair, deep ocean blue eyes.  A square jaw and that expression where he knows hes attractive, but it wasn't like he took advantage of that. He has confidence. He's not cocky, you could tell.  I waved, obviously a little shy because he was drop dead gorgeous. I mean, get me or any girl in general and put us in front of a gorgeous guy and have yourself a laugh because I'm at loss of words.  We all get that way.  Jimmie smiled and I about melted. That is THE most perfect smile I have ever seen.  "Hey Fayeth, nice too meet you.  I mean, I've seen you around the halls at school, but i've never actually talked too you."  He laughed a little and I half smiled and looked down. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back up, "Not a lot to notice."  I said half-heartily and he went to speak but stopped himself, giving me a smile of sympathy. 

        Honestly, when I said that there wasn't a lot to notice, I was being honest.  I have medium length brunette hair, greyish green eyes, and I'm a little on the chubby side.  I don't have a perfect, slim body.  I'm not blonde, and have bright blue or green eyes.  I'm not any guys typical choice in the girl department. But its oh well.  That's probably why i've been a single pringle for about a year or so.  Yeah, i've had little sparks of a relationship here and there, but nothing I wanted to continue on.  I'm honestly too afraid to start something.  I'm afraid ill get myself too wrapped up in it and either

One:  He'll change his mind and realize he can get better.

Two:  He will realize he can get better but decides to two time me and cheat.

Or three:  He'll date me out of sympathy.

I haven't had the best relationships. 

        We sat down at the round, plain white tables and I propped my feet up under the table and slouched in my seat.  I looked down and then pulled my t-shirt away from my stomach.  Pulling it out of my fat rolls, ha.  So many insecurities.   Jayne sat as close to Jimmie as possible and was practically in his lap.  I couldn't help but notice his face fall a little as she intertwined her fingers with his.  He looked down at her when she wasn't looking and had a bit of disgust lingering in his eyes.  He looked over at me and noticed that I was studying him and his face went a little white as he realized I noticed his drop in enthusiasm.   I gave him a reassuring smile hinting it was cool.  I understand.

        Jayne is a crazy bitch.  Excuse my french, but it's true.  She's one of those girls where its all cutes and giggles in the beginning and then BAM! She goes crazy. She gets angry at the smallest things and is incredibly possessive.  I understand that what is yours, is yours; but she would accuse him of messing around if he even talked to another girl who was a friend.  Yeah, physco right?

        We ate our food and I could feel his eyes on me.  I would glance up and he'd be staring at me.  Watching and studying me.  I couldn't help but feel a little insecure.  Did he think I was fat?  Was he judging me?  Pointing out all of my flaws in his mind so he could document me and put me in the "never date" file in his mind filling cabinet?

Wait.. did I just say date?

No Fayeth.  Hes gorgeous and you're simple.  Hes four years older and you're stupid.  Don't get your hopes up, sweetheart.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that hes a senior in high school and I'm in eight grade.

Crazy to think we'd ever date, huh?

We headed to class and got seated. My church is pretty cool.  Instead of pews, the teachers put out couches and chairs for us youth group.  We have our own special room called "The Cave" in the basement in the church.  I sat in this small red recliner and Jimmie and Jayne decided to sit next to me.  Instead doing the reasonable thing and sit next to him, she sat in his lap and got all comfortable.  I mean, who can blame her? I would like to cuddle in those big, stro-

No Fayeth, shush.  Stop it.

I kept sneaking glances at them, I know I've only known him really for a few hours, I felt something.  I got butterflies when he smiled, when he talked my heart melted.  I felt jealously boiling in my stomach, like I wanted to pull Jayne off his lap, throw her on the ground, and puke up all that jealous bile all over her face.  Brutal, huh?

At one point, he caught me staring and I quickly turned my head away, trying to focus on the teacher preaching the lesson that I had paid absolutely no attention too.  I felt my cheeks burn and cursed myself under my breath.  I saw him smile that flawless smile and turn back around.

Damn it, Fayeth.  You gave yourself away.

After church ended and everyone went back to socializing, I tried my hardest to walk unnoticed like usual until someone just HAD to stop me. Jimmie.

"Fayeth! Wait!"  I cursed myself yet again and turned around, faking a smile.  "Hey Jimmie!"  I tried to greet him with joy, but I think my dread leaked from my voice.  "It was nice to finally get to meet you."  He continued with a smile like no other and I couldn't help but notice a slight blush on his perfect cheeks.  Or maybe its just my eyes playing tricks on me.  Yeah, uhat's it.  "Awh, it was nice to finally meet you too."  I said, trying to hold in my blush that was wanting to invade my cheeks.  We stood there for a second and it was so wrong of me but I got lost his gorgeous blue orbs.  He didn't  seem to mind until Jayne ran up next to him and kissed his cheek. He cringed slightly when she greeted with a too cheerful "Hey baby!".  I smiled and pointed behind me, gesturing to the doorway.  "That's my cue to go. Uhm, talk to you guys later, yeah?" I smiled and they both nodded, Jimmie a little too eagerly but I ddn't mind.  We said our goodbyes and I as off.

As i got home that night, I aid down in my twin bed and sighed. "Why are you doing this to yourself, Fayeth? Don't fall in love again, it only brings pain." Said my little devil on my shoulder.  "Sweetheart, its okay to love.  Take a chance.  Not every guy is the same." Argued my little angel on the other shoulder. I shook them off, turned on my side and pulled my blankets over my shoulders, ready to sleep.  I thought about his smile one more time and my heart fluttered.  I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking about me too.

That's when it all started.

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