Chapter 2: The Break Up.

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        Well, the next day I woke up, forgetting about the moments from yesterday.  I mean, why remember and kill myself with the thoughts? It's not like i have the slightest chance. I started my morning routine by showering.  I sighed and let the water run down my body.  The heat against my cold skin felt wonderful.  A refreshing feeling at 6 in the morning.  Once i got out, I wrapped a towel in my hair and one around my body, the cold air like pins against my skin.  Fucking burr.  I walked back to my room, trying to tip toe considering everyone was still asleep.  I slipped on a pair of black simple panties and put on my bra, struggling since my skin was still wet.  Damn bras, if it wasn't unlady like, I wouldn't wear one at all. I slipped on my dark faded jeans, a black undershirt and a maroon v-neck.  Walking back to the bathroom, i was startled by a little 7 year-old blonde, sleep evident in her face.  "Hey sweetcheeks, whatcha doin' up already? You can still sleep for another.." I checked my iPod and continued, "30 minutes.  Why don't you go back to bed?" I suggest, running my fingers through her hair, smiling at her.  She nodded and turned back around, heading into her room and crawling into her bed.  She's a cutie.  Usually annoying, but a cutie when she's in that state.  I started up the hair dryer, drying my wet, thick hair.  I finished and ran a straightener through it, hating my natural hair.  I applied foundation, eyeliner, mascara. Y'know, the basics.  I checked my iPod, 6:45. Time to wake up kiddo.  I walked into her room, flipped on her light, receiving a groan in return.  I giggled and leaned against the door frame, "Up and adam kiddo."

        I sit my bags down next to me, adjusting in my seat. I scoot forward and push my knees up against the seat in front of me.  If it wasn't for headphones and music, bus rides would be dreadful.  I slip my hood up and my headphones in.  I scroll until i find a decent song that fits my mood and the time of day,  'Stomach Tied In Knots':  Sleeping With Sirens.  Ahhhh, Kellin Quinns voice is bliss at 7:15 in the morning. But you know what is even more heavenly? When a gorgeous blue-eyed boy settles into the spot next to you.  I pull out a headphone and smile at him, surprised.  "Hey Jimmie, when did you start riding my bus?"  I ask, curiosity obvious in my voice.  "Today.  I currently moved in with my brother and sister-in-law.  I'm sick of my step-moms bullshit."  He shrugs, smiling that million dollar smile.  I cant help but blush.  Ugh.  I return my smile and continue my gaze out the window on this raining February morning.  "What are you listening too?"  He ask, starting up conversation.  "Sleeping With Sirens' Stomach Tied In Knots."  I reply, expecting him to just shrug, not a lot of people know who they are.  "Woah, really?? Holy shit, i love them!" He replies, surprised and delighted that i like them.  I raise my eyebrows and giggle at his excitement.  "Yeah, that makes two of us."

        Once we arrive at school, we get off the bus and continue our conversation about how Kellin Quinns voice is unique, not girly.  "Oh my god, I know! I hate it when people diss his voice!" He exclaims, his seriousness in this increasing.  He was fixing to continue his comment until he was interrupted, aggravation immediately filling his face.  "Jimmie! Hey, babe!"  I hear Jayne's not-so-soothing voice ring from across the hall.  I hear him sigh before replacing his angered expression with a smile.  "Hey baby."  He greets, the enthusiasm obviously fake.  Huh, I wonder if hes getting fed up with her?  Hmmmmm. I tell him bye, his smile automatically dropping as he waves and continues his stroll to her. 

        School goes as usual.  Laughs with friends, annoying teachers, horrible cafeteria food.  As i sit down on the bus and sigh, half waiting for Jimmie, half ready to go home.  I see him walk up the steps, anger and defeat obvious on his face.  He has his hood up, looking ready to beat someones ass.  He sits down next too me, not speaking.  It's evident something is very wrong.  "Hey," I begin softly, causing him to look at me, "You okay?" I ask tenderly, getting a nod of the head and a downwards look, no words response.  I decide not to push it.

        I sit down on my bed with a heavy sigh, pondering the reasons why Jimmie would be so upset.  I pull out my iPod, wanting to know.  The fact that he was so upset and angry crushed me a little bit and all i want to do is make it better. I open his profile in Facebook and click the message button.

"Start a chat with Jimmie Church now!"

Huh, we've never had a conversation over messaging.

(Conversation: F= Fayeth, J= Jimmie.)

F:  Hey Jimmie!  I just wanted to message you to see if you were okay.  It was obvious something was wrong this afternoon on the bus and honestly, i was kinda and still am worried about you.  You can talk to me.  I'm probably one of the most trustworthy people you'll meet.  Plus, i hear I'm good with advice.  I'm always here. :)

Instantly he reads it, my heart fluttering for two reasons, nervous that he'll get even more mad, and happy that he even bothered to open my message.  Oh my god, he's typing.

J:  Well, me and Jayne broke up today.  In all honesty, I'm kinda relieved.  I was just angry about why we split.

Oh.. I know its horrible of me, but i can't help the huge smile that spreads across of my face. 

F: Awhhhh, i'm sorry, Jimmie.  Break-ups suck ass.  If I'm not pushing boundaries, may i ask why you guys broke up?

J:  Well, you see.  I'm going into the military after i graduate.  Shes pissed and told me that she doesn't trust me and just knows ill cheat on her.  I mean, what kind of a guy does she take me as?  Not once have i ever gave her a reason to doubt my loyalty.  I understand that shes been done wrong so many times, but that doesn't mean i will do her wrong. I guess its okay.  Better to get rid of that drama now.

Wow.. I'm sorry, but she doesn't have the right to get pissed at him like that. 

F:  Wow.. She doesn't have the right rhyme or reason to get pissy like that.  After what I've experienced over the past couple days, you seem like an amazing guy.  Sweet, kind, gentle.  And i dunno about her, but if you were mine, id support you in everything you do.

I hesitate before pressing send.

J:  Awh, well. Thank you so much Fayeth.  That makes me feel so much better.  Thank you for that, i needed that.

F:  Awhhh, you're welcome! Anytime, sweets!

I smile, feeling accomplished.

J:  By the way, maybe you can support me in everything i do in the future. ;)

Oh my god.  Is he hitting on me? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.


Author's Note!,

Hey guyssss! Sorry for not updating in ever! I've been so so so so busy with school and everything. Please keep reading! I loves you guys! <3

-Fayeth Danielle Dollarhide.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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