Chapter Three

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"Angel Becca is here come on you are going to be late!"my mom called as I finished back combing my hair. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, "ok calm down im here" I said pulling on my DM'S. "You look pretty Angel!" my mom commented, "thanks anyway i'll text you later ok?" I said. "Yes stay safe girls and have fun" she said brightly as we headed to Beccas dads car and climbed in.

"Ok girls we are here" he said about 15 minutes later, we pulled up outside a big pub type building. We thanked her dad and climbed out, becca was practically bouncing off the walls. She handed the security guard our tickets as he nodded and let us in. Jeez it was flipping hot in here, the whole room was rows of chairs. There was a small stage at the front and loads of girls already seated, they all looked super hyped up. There was also a few guys of whom I'm assuming we're either gay or were dragged here like me.

Our seats were at the front, no surprise there I thought. We sat down and becca instantly got talking to some other fan, they started chatting about glitter and how they hope he wears really tight pants. They kept saying glambulge, glamily and #pervbert. I sat there on my phone in complete confusion as to what on earth they were going on about. The lights dimmed as the whole room erupted into ear splitting applause, that much noise in one tiny little confined room didnt half hurt your ears.

The lights came up on a guy siting on a stool, "HES HERE OH MY GOD HES SO SEXY!" Becca yelled in my ear as she shook me. "I can see that becca" I said, I looked upat the person on thestage. He had silvery, blonde hair with thick eyeliner, a grey jumper, black skinny jeans and black boots. He did have amazing eyes though, Becca was practically dying in her chair right now. "Hello burbank how are we all tonight?" he said into the microphone,everyone whooped and sceamed as I sarcastically said yay.

Becca nudged me and gave me evils, I sighed and pretended to be listening. He sung some song that wasnt too bad I guess,  think it was called better tha Iknow myself or somthing like that. He sung a few others, Becca freaked out because he aparently looked straight at her. "Im just going to get some air ok wont be long" I said in the interval. No word of alie it was freaking boiling in there it was making me feel a bit ill, I dont do heat and that room was like a sauna.

I made my way through the massive crowd of peoplewaiting fr the athroom and headed to the doors, cold air hit me like a ton of bricks. It was refreshing im not going to lie, I lent against the wall letting cold air embrace me. "Hi" a voice said disturbing me from my thoughts as I looked round, "oh hello" I said to the tall dark haired guy standing next to me. He smiled "Shouldnt you be inside entertaning screaming girls" I said absent mindedly, "even popstars need air you know" he replied.

"Wow I would never have guessed" I said sarcastically as he laughed quietly, "youre a feisty one arent you" he said. "Yeah well what can I say I dont live to impress everyone especially not famous people" I said. "Oh right and you dont like famous people?" he asked, "yes I do obviously but not everyone" I replied. "Everyone? Who do you like?" he questioned, "katy perry mostly" I said. "If you like katy perry why are you at my concert" he asked, "my best friend dragged me here actually. If I had a choice I wouldnt come" I answered.

"Ouch" he said smiling a little, "oh dude no offence to you or anything but you music isnt my type and you wear to much hairgel" I said smiling. "Funny comment from  girl with that amount of hairspray" he said poking my hair. "That sir is insulting" I replied, "so's saying you dont like my music" he replied as I did a double take man this guy is rude. "Thats kind of rude" I said as he opened his mouth to speak.  "Angel, hey angel your phone is ring.." Becca said running out and stopping mid sentence as she saw Adam. She pointed "youre like Adam" she said as I clicked my fingers in front of her snapping her back to reality.

"Becca my phone?" I asked as she handed it to me, I unlocked it and rang back he numer that had rung me. After I was done I walked back to Becca, "well I need to get back in" Adam said excusing himself. "You were having a chat with Adam Lambert? What was he like? How did he smell?" she asked firing questions at me. "Yes but not by choice, Rude, not too bad" I replied, "oh who was on the phone?" she asked as we walked back in. "My Grandma checking if I was still seeing her tomorrow" I replied sitting back in the chair.

Again the lights dimmed as he performed the rest of his songs, I kept my eyes locked to my facebook as Becca screamed and shouted along with th rest of the room. Iglanced up and saw him looking at me as he sung, I looked back down and slid my phone into my bra and twirled my hair around my finger. Eventually the concert came to an end as everyone filtered out, "I need to pee" Becca said as I nodded. "Ok then I'll wait outside this place is manic" I said as she went to join the queue and I headed outside.

"Angel hey Angel wait up" A voice said as I spun round and saw Adam chasing me, he caught up with me and grabbed my wrist pulling me into a corridor just off the main foyer. "What the hell thats like unwanted physical contact I could totally get you done with that" I said pulling my arm away and crossing them. "Sorry I can have he fans spotting me i'll never get away" he said flushing pink, "how do you know my name and what the heck do you want?" I said.

"Angel is what your friend called you and I wanted to apologise for being rude to you earlier" he said. "Right well I'll accept your apology, now if you dont mind I need to go find Becca and wait for my mom" I said turning on my heel and loosing myself in the crowds of people.

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