Chapter 1

12 1 0

Song// Somebody else by the 1975

My eyes flutter open to the sound of the birds chirping and the beautiful June sun shining through my pink curtains.

The upstairs bedroom that I'm stationed in, of the three story house my adopted parents own is always a little hot this time of year.

My fan on my roof is clicking every go around. I watch it with curiosity, it reminds me of a merry-go-round. I force my eyes away from it, and to my alarm clock, which wasn't going off for another few minutes. I pull my delicate iPhone 7 Plus from my bedside table and check the weather.

A whole 87 degrees.

I flop myself onto the floor as I have every morning for the past year I've been living here. I rub my white fluffy carpet where I had gotten a stain from cookie dough ice-cream. I lay there for a few more moments before I hop up and grab a little black skirt, a pink long sleeved shirt, and my black long socks.

After I'm dressed I run down the stairs to get some toast before Mrs. Jenny takes me to school.

"Eager for school darling?" Mrs. Jenny always speaks with such grace I know I will never have.

"Yes Mrs. Jenny!" The frown on her face says it all

"I mean Mommy." I chocked on my own words

Mrs. Jenny hates when I don't call her my mother although I always forget because she isn't my mom. It always sounds so foreign when I say it and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth since I haven't had a mom since-

"Alright dear I made you toast and jam." She read my mind, "I cut them into little hearts like you like them."

The way to school always fascinates me. People live in so many beautiful houses. I always think every house is special, except on Walton's drive.

Walton's Drive is something else; cracked roads, old one story beat up houses. Yard with mud and tore up grass, and graffiti art on most buildings. It looks like a neighborhood that would be in your nightmares.

I grip the handle and scoot out of the car for my first day of real school, but not before I tell Mrs. Jenn- I mean Mommy goodbye and give her a short kiss on her cheek.

The school is gigantic, it's beautiful. I've been homeschooled ever since I was a child, the children's home homeschooled everyone. I always wondered why the did that. Maybe to keep us in tact.

I'm very nervous, but I guess that's because of my anxiety. At least that's what Mrs. Jenny says.

Left foot, right foot, left foot, right food, left foot, mud puddl- ouch

I'm in trouble now. A very pretty girl stands before me, giving me the worst look she could muster up. She's tall compared to me, yet that doesn't take a lot because I'm only 5'1. In which she looks about 5'9. I take in her appearance which is a skirt like mine except shorter, a lot shorter, a shirt that doesn't inch past her belly button, and heals that make her about 4 inches taller than she actually is.

"What the actual fxck?" She squeals loudly.

"I'm so so- " she cuts me off with a scoff

"You ignorant little idiot. You dress like a fxcking two year old and you have your hair in pig tales like how old are you? You look 5." She scoffs and pushes her fingers into my chest and steps closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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