Jacob first kiss

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You were in danger from Victoria

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You were in danger from Victoria. She had found you while you had decided to take you daily walk in the woods. Just as you thought all hope was gone, out of the trees comes Jacob in his wolf form. He chases her down until he had finally killed her once and for all. Transforming back to his human for, he runs over to you and picks you up.
"Are you alright?" He asked worried as he cradled you in his arms.
You just nod. Suddenly, he starts bursting into tears.
"I don't know what I'd do if she killed you," he cried.
Just then, the only thing you could think of the wipe away his tears was to kiss him. As you pulled back from the kiss, he stared stunned and blushing. Again you kiss him and this time he kisses back

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