Background (Ch 3)

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Just to clarify. This chapter is made of big events that I think would be helpful to knowing this story more. There also won't be much. Just two events

Meeting Alciel

  A few days had passed since Maou and I were attacked. I decided to pay a visit to Alciel and see what he was doing. Hopefully nothing demonic. I walked over to their apartment which was unfortunately right across the street. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.

  "One second" A voice that I recognized to be Alciel said. I heard footsteps and then stopped in front of the door. "To whom do we owe the pleasure?" He asked.

  "Open the door. I'm assuming you're just as pathetic as Satan, or Maou, since you're being so polite" I said. I heard a snort and then a sound like someone choked on the other end.

  "I didn't think she actually meant what she said" Maou grumbled on the other side.

  "Yeah, well I did. Should I open this door myself, or will you?" I asked. I then heard the sound of metal sliding against metal as well a a lock clicking. "Hey! Open this door, demon!" I shouted.

  "Mi'Lord! Luquea the Hero is here!" Alciel yelled on a panicked state on the other side.

  "I already know. I met her, what, about a few weeks ago?" Maou said.

  "3 weeks ago" I confirmed.

  "And you didn't think to tell me?!" Alciel yelled.

  "We kind of got shot at a few days ago. Someone from Emte Isla is targeting us both" Maou said.

  "Yep. By the way, you have 5 seconds to open the door before I break it down and make you pay for the replacement" I said. I then heard a cup being slammed on a table and someone stumbling. In 3 second, Maou was on his feet and had the door open.

  "Ok, ok, just don't break our door!" He said in a panic and let me in.

  "Mi'Lord! How could you do this! Let the very being that wants to kill us in cold blood into our home?!" Alciel yelled as he backed up and pressed his body against the wall.

  "She doesn't have any magic either, so we should be good" Maou said.

  "Yeah, you're a bit wrong there. I have plenty of magic, but I rather play with my food" I said and Maou sweat dropped. I looked around at their small apartment, but how could I complain? Mine just has a bigger closet which is practically the only part of my apartment that I use.

  "Well, while you're here, you should call Alciel Ashiya. That's his human name. Also, Ashiya, Luquea's human name is Emilia" Maou said.

  "Don't address me so casually" I said.

  "So, what are you doing here?" Maou asked.

  "I wanted to see what pathetic level Alciel, or Ashiya I guess, was on. Seems like he's worse than you, but I hardly thought that was possible" I said and Maou narrowed his eyes.

  "Well, if that's it, then run along home now" Maou said as he shoed me away with his hand.

  "Yeah, well I have nothing else to do, so I'll just see what happens daily here. Don't mind me. I'll just sit in your closet and watch you guys. Just go about your daily business, Alc- Ashiya" I said as I walked over and opened their closet and got on the top level and lay down. Let's just say I didn't get the data I wanted. Alciel kept looking my direction, and every-so-often Maou made annoying conversations with me which were all pretty much about why I was still there. I went home at the end of the day and only was able to confirm that they were stupider than I ever imagined.

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