When I first saw him-Jake

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It all started one warm February day in LA.
I was hanging out with my slaves, I mean Bros, at my house when Nick came to me holding his computer.
"Look at this shit", Nick told me, he seemed very angry, almost as angry as that time somebody told him that England isn't a city.
I opened it up to see a video by some YouTuber named KSI. It looked to be a diss video, nothing I hadn't seen a billion times before. Somebody gets on a camera, starts mentioning valid points about how I'm an awful person, and then they profit off my name. But this guy was different.
As soon as I saw his face I instantly got a boner. This man was like a gift from YouTube God himself. The way his skin shined in the light, the way he had his hair, he was just too damn hot. Heck, Erika wasn't even close to being as sexy as this man.
As I admired his beauty, the video ended and Nick took his computer back. So I walked into my room and logged onto my computer and found his channel. I couldn't resist myself. I spent the next hour jacking off to KSI.

Hey guys thanks for reading the first chapter in my Jake and Logan Paul fan fiction. Hopefully I can finish it before the drama ends and KSI beats Logan or Jake's ass. If I got anything wrong about this like his GF or if Nick is still in Team 10, tell me because honestly I could care less about these brothers, but I love making random stuff. Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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