The argument

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Azalea pov
As I turned to walk away i heard someone shout a name. I ignored the shouting. I heard running towards us
"Lea" someone called at my back
I continue to walk when suddenly someone grab my right arm. I heard alina tried to tell him off but the man ignore her. When finally I turned around i saw the handsome young general, at first he was looking at me softly with warm eyes. When he was able to see that i am not the same person his eyes suddenly turn cold and murderous.
"Who are you!" He asked angrily

Alder pov
I was waiting for the answer while grabbing her arm tightly.
How dare this lady wear Lea's thing. I don't care if she's someone important but the hairpin that she's wearing is a custom made for my sister and i know for sure that Lea will never give it to someone else
"Mind your manners young sir" the lady said expressionless
She grabbed her arm firmly away from my grasp but i held her tightly.
"Please young master kindly unhand my lady you are hurting her" the female servant said
"Silence! I am talking to your lady! Know your place" I reprimanded the servant
"Please mind your tone young sir, you might be someone important but this servant is mine to discipline" the lady answer coldly
"You might be the mistress of this servant but that didn't give her the rights to be disrespectful" i answered with the same coldness
"Let me apologize for her ignorance young sir, i might have been lenient to her" she answered with the same attitude
She's apologizing but her eyes says different
I was going to say something when someone suddenly call for me
"Young master the duke is asking for you, please come this way" the mavis the head servant said bowing
I am not going until i have my answer! I thought
I narrowed my eyes and look directly at her eyes, she held her own under my angry stares.
She have guts for a young and fragile looking lady
"Please young master the duke is waiting" mavis begged
Do they think I'm stupid? I know what they're trying to do. They want me to go and leave this lady, but still I can't let the duke waiting
I grabbed the lady towards me, i bend to whisper at her
"We're not done yet" I threatened
After that i give her arm a squeeze, i know that i am being a jerk but can you blame me? This lady is something dangerous i can tell you that. At firsts you will see a fragile lady but deep inside i know she's a wolf in a sheep clothes.
I have been in the army for 3 years and it gives me the experience to know if someone is dangerous or not, as much as i can tell you should not underestimate this lady
I turned and walk toward the duke's office
The servants parted to let me through

Azalea pov
"My lady are you alright?" Alina asked worriedly
"I am fine Alina, do not worry yourself" i told her while i was looking at the young man's back
"He doesn't have the right to treat you like that!" Alina said angrily
"Please mind your tongue, he is still the son of the duke and a general no less" I reprimanded her
"But my lady! He's an outsider! Not a blood relative and not even officially adopted!" Alina continue to rant
"Alina!!!" I called her name firmly, i can see the unkindly looks that the other servants were giving her
"Adopted or not, blood relative or not he is still the young master here! And you should know your place!" I told her firmly
I saw her bow her head
" I apologize my lady, i forgot my place" she said softly
"Don't let it happen again" i replied coldly
I know she's only trying to protect me but I can't let her go away like this, other servants are watching and if i let it go while she's insulting their young master then it will become a problem later.
I turned my back and walked toward my room
The servants return back to what they are doing

Alder pov
I went directly to the duke's office. Mavis stay outside while i enter the room
"Greetings duke! Your loyal servant have returned safely" i called outside the door
"Please do come in my child" i heard the duke answer
Mavis opened the door and let me through
"It's been a while duke" i said bowing
"Why being formal? Did you forget about us being family while you stay in the mainland?" The duke teased
He walked around his table and walk toward me. As usual the duke always give a firm hug
"Pardon my attitude my lord" i answered and return his hug
" my lord? What did i told you before? If your mother will hear you right now she will scold you" he replied
"I'm sorry father" I finally give in
"That's my son" he called me his son proudly
We talked for a while when suddenly mavis announced the arrival of the duchess
"My lord the duchess is here" mavis called outside
"Come in" father called
The door open and mother elegantly walked toward us
"Greetings" my mother said softly, she bows slightly to my father and hold her hands towards me
I walked toward her and bend to kiss her hand
"It's been a while mother" i said softly after kissing her hand
"My dear child i have miss you so much, i told you before don't be a stranger" mother warmly said
She was caressing my face softly
"I apologize if i could not write often mother i have been busy the past years, i know you have heard the rumors about the other countries trying to wage war to us. Luckily we were able to stopped them before it elevate to a bigger problem" I explained to her
"If you will only listen to me, i never wanted you to be part of the army" mother said with a slight sadness to her voice
"Dear you should be proud of him instead of being sad, our son have accomplished something others did not" father said proudly
" i am proud of him no matter what he do, i just wish that he will have a safer profession. Being part of the army is dangerous and being the general is more" mother argued
"Do not worry mother i will be cautious" i promised her
We talked for a while when I remember
"How is my sister? Is she feeling alright? I could not sent her a letter while in the mission" i asked smiling
I saw the expression of my parents change from happiness to sorrow
My heart beat faster and i become nervous
"Is everything alright?"I asked scared
"Alder my dear..... Azalea..." my mother tried to explain but could not continue, her eyes become tearful
"What.... what is it mother? Is she alright? Where is she?" I asked her continuously
Mother did not answer, her tears started to fall
"Father" i asked my father instead
I saw my father turn his head away and waited for him to answer my question
My heart is beating faster and i become more worried
"Why don't we sit down while we talked" father said and urged as to walk to the sitting area inside the office
"Mavis!" Father called
Mavis enter and bow lowly to my father
"Yes my lord" i heard mavis answered
"Tell her to prepare and after to come here" i heard him said
"As you command my lord" mavis answered and bow again before leaving the room
Father walked toward as
"Alder my dear child we have a lot of things to talk about. Please be reminded that what we decide is for your own good" father said
I waited for father to continue
"My son... your sister Azalea... she...she did not make it" father said with anguished
"What do you mean father" i asked suddenly standing
"Before the war started your sister become sick, we were going to tell you about it but your sister was against it. She told us to keep it a secret. You are in the middle of the war and she did not want to burden you more" father explained
"No... that can't be!! Tell me you are lying!.. tell me you're just trying to make a rise from me father!" I begged father
I run and grabbed him, i started to shake him but father only look towards me with anguish in his eyes
" no it can't be..." i felt like i lose all my energy i started to sway and fell down to the floor
My tears flow continuously, i started to bang my hands to the floor, mother ran towards me and hugged me firmly, father follows and they shared my grief
"Why did you keep it a secret for so long?" I asked them crying
"It was your sister's wish, she knows how dangerous your mission and did not want you to be distracted. We wanted to tell you but the war continues for a long time" mother explained
We stayed like that for a while, me bawling like a child, my parents hugged and cried with me
After a while my father suddenly said something
" i know you are grieving right now but we would like to discuss something with you" father said
He looks toward mother and i saw her nodded her head in agreement
"3 years ago before your sister died, my twin sister MariGold contacted me asking for help. After so many years without communication my sister sent a letter asking for help. I could not let her suffers anymore, i sent them help and brought them back here." father started to explained
"You know about my twin" my father said
I nodded. I know about her, she was loved by the whole fief but unluckily fell in love with a noble man
"She arrived here together with her daughter. Sadly they came late, few days before they came here your sister died. if they come early i know Azalea and her daughter will become close" father said smiling sadly
I don't know why father is telling me all about this, i know she's her twin but what does that mean to me
"2 years ago my twin sister died and my niece loss her only family" father continue
"I am sorry to hear that father" I expressed my condolence
Why? Only a year of losing her daughter follows her sister. Father must have felt devastated losing both 2 of her most important people in his life
"Your mother and I talked about it and we decided to adopt your Aunt MariGold daughter as our own" he told me asking for understanding
I nodded my head and urged him to continue
"Alder my son, i want you to treat her the way you treated your sister. She have been hurt too much already" he continue
" your father and i decided that she will take your sister's place" mother said
"What do you mean?!" I asked sharply
"You know the rules Alder, We lose our heiress and your mother doesn't have the ability to be pregnant again so we decided to make it look like azalea never died" father answered instead of mother
"You took her as a replacement for my sister! How could you!" I said angrily
"You have to understand Alder, i know your sister will understand" mother softly said
"How could you do something so selfish!" I argue
"You know we are doing this for our people! Do you know how we feel about it? It's so painful to lose her but we have to disregard our own feelings for our people! We never wanted to replace her. No matter how much we care for MariGold's child do you really think we wanted to replace our own daughter? If we could only choose we will never want to replace her but we have too! We have our obligations to the people and to the fief! It is hard to call someone else with your sister's name but we have to do it!" Father angrily said, his eyes become tearful
I know deep inside that what my father said is true but even though it's so hard to accept that someone else will be using my sister's identity from now on.
" please alder i am asking you for a favor, please in place of your sister please protect my niece. The papers are all clear. Everything was settle. No one will know that the child here now is my niece. As for the record my twin sister died and after a few months her daughter died because of a disease. The people here knows about it but no one outside the fief knows. I am asking you for this favor Alder my child, protect her" father said begging me
After a while i finally nodded
"My lord Lady Azalea is here" mavis called from outside
"Let her in" father answered
When i heard the name my emotion run wild again, but i tried to suppress my anger.
The door open and there a beautiful young lady enter

The door open and there a beautiful young lady enter

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I saw the same lady from before. I narrowed my eyes and angrily stares at her.
This arrogant and cold girl?!
"Alder son i want you to meet your sister Azalea" father introduced
The lady bow elegantly toward us
"Greetings father, mother, older brother" she said softly and elegantly
Her expression never change, and i begins to feel hatred towards her
Why did my sister have to die while this arrogant lady have to live?
I know deep inside a voice was telling me that it's not the lady's fault but I ignored it. My grieve is overwhelming my sense of mind
I walked toward her and bow i offer my hand and slowly she reached out. I held her hand firmly and look directly at her eyes silently telling her that i am not fond of her. She held my stares and slowly i bend to kiss her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, pardon my attitude a while ago i was caught off guard" i told her
"Bygones be bygones. Older brother is not at fault" she answered still expressionless
"Please try to get along" i heard mother said
We continue to stares directly at each other eyes
Bring it on! If you want to be my sister then work hard for it!

Note: thank you so much for reading my story. Disregard the grammar, i know some are wrong. Tell me what you think about the story so far.
The picture in this also came from the net 😊😊😊

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