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This chapter contains blood, death, child abuse, and gore. If you are uncomfortable with this types of stuff I recommend you not to read it.

Felix's P.O.V.

"Mom! Stop it, I look fine!" I whined at my mother's attempt to fix my bowtie. Today me and her would go to the local pizzeria place for one of my friends birthday party. His name was Gavin, but for some reason he convinced everybody to call him Goldie. I don't know why, but out of all of us in my group of friends, he's always been the oddball, but I don't mind since he's a really nice guy.

"Stop whining, I need to make sure my little baby is looking his best." My mother said giving my bowtie a good squeeze.

"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore! I'm 13!" I remarked. I really hate it when people treat me as if I was still a little kid, when I'm obviously not. Maybe it's due to my height.

"I know, but you're growing so fast. I'm my heart you'll always be my little baby." She said grabbing my cheek and giving me a heartwarming smile. She always knew what to say and how to make me smile.

"Now, let's get going, if not, we're going to miss Gavin's birthday party, and I know you wouldn't like that." My mom said grabbing her purse from the counter and getting out her keys.

I nodded and quickly headed out the door, grabbing a bag that was next to the door and waited for my mom, who was closing our front door. My mom unlocked the car and I sat in the back seat, while my mom sat in the drivers seat.

With a quick turn of the wrist, the car quickly turned on, the humming of the engine soon settling down. My mom drove out of our drive-through and into the road, quickly heading towards the pizzeria.

Within a few minutes my mom parked in an empty space in the pizzeria parking lot. "Ok, we're here. Did you grab the gift?" My mom asked looking at me through the front mirror.

"Check." I said raising the bag up so that she could see it through the front mirror.

"Then let's get going. You don't want to keep your friends waiting, don't you?" She said opening the door and steeping outside the car. I soon followed her out and shut the door. Me and my mom starting making our way to the pizzeria, not before my mom locked her car.

As we got in, the sweet scent of pizza and cake engulfed the air, making me really happy for some reason. "Look Felix, Gavin is over there. How about you go and give him his gift." She said pointing to the little blonde haired kid that was Gavin. I looked over to where she was pointing, only to see a bit of Gavin's hair and face.

Out of all of my friend, Gavin was the smallest, with me coming in as a close second. I hated being one of the smallest, it kinda made me feel vulnerable for some strange reason.

I shrugged the thought away and walked over to Gavin, touching his shoulder, causing him to look back at me. A smile soon appeared on his face. "Happy Birthday, Gavin!!" I shouted holding up my gift to him.

"Thank you, Felix!" Gavin shouted back, giving me a tight hug, which I just hugged back. Yeah, for some reason, me and this little guy have been somewhat close.

We released from our hug and I gave him his gift. "So, where are the others?" I asked looking around.

"Bryan is in the arcade room, Celeste is playing with the animatronics and Frederick is probably bumming around somewhere." Gavin said, going slightly less excited as he talked about Frederick.

I can't explain how, but even though Gavin and Frederick are brothers, they are complete polar opposite. Gavin was the one who would constantly be smiling and helping anybody whenever they needed it, while Frederick wad gloomy and never really smiled that much. It kinda made me sad sometime whenever I looked at him just to see him frowning or being bummed out.

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