Chapter 1 - After The Murder

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Felix's P.O.V.

Darkness, that's the only thing I could see. It was like I was floating in an endless dark void that I could never escape from.

Soon thought of what happened that day started to rush back into my mind. All of it, I can remember each and every single detail.

Soon, tears started running down my face. "Gavin..." I whispered to myself, the endless stream of tears going down my face.

I started to panic thinking what happened to him and Frederick. I was going insane. I felt sadness, anger, confusion, paranoia, everything all crashing down on me as if I was hit by a bus.

Wait... I'm dead aren't I? I could see it clearly, the image of that atrocious purple man with that terrifying smirk on his face. Did he get Gavin? Did he get Frederick? Did he kill them?

Multiple thoughts were running through my mind, questions that I knew were not going to be answered, left as if they were a balloon flying up to the sky that nobody could or would get a grasp of. I felt terrible, knowing that i might never see any of my friends anymore. What I feared the most was that I could never see my mom again, never being able to be hugged by her, tucked in by her, or able to hear her soothing voice telling me that everything will be OK and that I had nothing to fear.

I could feel all of these emotions building up and me and coming out as endless streams of tears that are now flowing down my face. I hugged myself, feeling how cold and empty I felt, not being able to do anything in the position I was currently in.

"You can see them again..." Said a quiet yet stern voice deep from the shadows. My eyes shot open and I immediately tried to search for the source of that voice seeing if somebody else was indeed with me or if I was just driving myself into insanity and I was now hearing voices.

Nothing. I saw nothing as I continued to survey the surrounding area around me, everything being dark and obscure. "H-hello?" I tried to call out to see if there was anybody there or if it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

"You can see them again..." The voice said once again with melancholy voice. I tried to listen carefully this time to see where it came from. In the endless darkness I could see the shadowy figure of what seemed to look like a child. I tried to approach it but as I moved towards it, the shadowy figure seemed to be getting farther and farther away from me, seeing as it was trying to keep its distance from me for some reason.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked seeing that I was utterly confused with the whole situation and I was in need for more answers, answers that shadowy figure could possible give me. I knew it was a long shot, but it was the chance I had.

"Who I am is not whats important right now. All you have to do is listen." It stopped for a moment, trying to let what it set settle in my mind. I was skeptic to what it had to say, but at this point I didn't care, I just wanted answers. I nodded to show that I was indeed going to listen to it.

"You are currently dead." What he said didn't faze me, as I already knew that I was dead. The image of that purple man resurfaced my mind, causing my anger and sadness to just boil up with the mere mentioning of him. "Your soul is slowly dying, and I don't think you'll be able to make it to the other side." That did faze me as what it was saying meant that I couldn't move on to the afterlife. I would probably end up living in this endless dark place for the rest of eternity. My hopes of ever seeing my friends and my mom soon vanished by its words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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