Tag Team Battle And Evolution

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(Imma skip a few episodes..since I want the reader to have some action as well I guess this is somewhat a filler and I know not many people like fillers but eh/also if you guys haven't played the game Leonidas evolves when all the brawlers loses and they'll lend their power to Leonidas in a Darkus world where you'll face against Marduck whose the strongest in the game and beat him but you'll lose Leonidas because they're both from the doom dimension and can only stay in your world for a limited amount of time.)
YN was taking a stroll down the park getting some fresh air when she began to see how the water began to slow down, and her pace as well she quickly opened her gate card and was met with three strangers.
"This is so not fair! 2v1?! How the heck am I gonna win?!" questioned a brunette as he begins panicking while the other two strangers snickered. YN walked up to the brunette and tapped his shoulder he looked up from his hands to see you standing there.
"Oh sweet! I did get a partner, but how did you wind up here we were in a secluded area.." The brunette said you grinned. "Time was begging to slow down anyways, I'm YN care to introduce yourself?" you asked as you extended a hand for him, he gladly took it.
"Woah! I thought we had an upper hand man...we'll still win right bro? asked one if the strangers, the other hummed.
"Almost forgot, the name's Kyle I'm an aqous player and you?" He asked as he begin to look for something in his pocket.
"All attributes cause of my partner, let's get this battle started already." You said with your foot tapping. "Aha! Found ya partner here he is Abis omega" (it's a serpent basically with 2 fins sticking out from its sides). YN nodded her head in acknowledgement before throwing down her gate card everyone following right after.
"Bakugan brawl!" haos Lumagrowl in play 340 g. Sam (the girl cuz I'm to lazy to introduce their names cuz it involves me writing more the bro's name is Noel) threw down her darkus manion on her gate card with 360 g. Your partner threw down his aquos ravenoid (260g) on Noel's gate card not knowing it was gonna be his demise.
"Gate card open! Whirlwind!" suddenly a green whirlwind came from the card and took darkus Manion and set it where Ravenoid is. Noel grinned and threw in his ventus seige with 320 g (probably a real card but I'm too lazy to do research, so due this card you get a chance to have a 2v1 since you still haven't had a chance to throw your own you get to either it it on another card and let your partner deal with it or you can do a tag team battle against your single opponent)
"Ability card activate! Slice and dice!" You said as you threw in your haos fear ripper with 270 which gained a 50g power boost from the ability card. Noel and Sam has 680 g while you guys had 580g.
"Ability card activate! Dive! Granting Ravenoid a boost 130g as it dived into the gate card and soon emerging and uppercutting Seige, it stumbled back while your fear ripper ap was at it slicing at Manion sides.
"Ability card activate! Storm!" said Sam as thunder begun to form over Manion it was engulfed by the clouds and it soon emerged with sparks coming of its body. G power increased by 80g (S&N 760 you&K 710) Manion charged at both bakugan, the siblings took the first win. Sam threw down her darkus Warius (310) where your Lumagrowl stood
"Gate card open! Spectrum!" Lumagrowl gained a 100g power boost while Warius lost 100 g. Warius at 210 g Lumagrowl at 440g, Sam smirked "ability card activate Haos vs Darkus! Due to my opponent being a haos my Warius gets a 200g power boost!" YN chuckled and let Lumagrowl do the talking. It slashed Warius, and it was sent back. Sam was shocked
"But 200g.." Sam said as she held her Warius in her hands in shock.
"Don't make me look like the bad guy besides 440 vs 410 my Lumagrowl had an extra 30 g." YN explained.  Noel pat his sister's head
"I'll avenge you" he said as he threw down his ventus ingram (430g) there are several versions and this ain't Shun's so don't get confused)  onto Kyle's gate card.  Kyle grinned and threw down his Abis omega (410g).
"Gate card open! Whirlpool!" The two bakugan were in the pit of the harsh swirling currents of water.  Abis gained 120g (530g), Kyle grinned "ability card activate brewing disaster!" 150g power was added to Ingram (580g) as it tucks its wings and a green glow encased its body.  In a few seconds its wings opened and it flew towards Abis with its claws ready to strike. 
"Oh no you don't! Steam wave!" Abis Omega opened its mouth and sprayed steam in Ingram's direction decreasing its g power by 100g before it launched towards Ingram by using its tail as leverage, and wrapped its tail in the air and slammed Ingram onto the ground.  It was sent back to Neol who was in disbelief.
"Didn't think I'm gonna have to use this strategy so soon." mumbled Noel as he threw down a gate card, he threw in his ventus Mantris (340g) YN yawned and set a gate card down and there down her Lumagrowl (340g) Sam threw down her darkus reaper (440g) into Noel's gate card after using the ability team up and gave an increase of 100g for both if them. So now they have 980g power YN eyes widened before she got an idea it was risky but it'll work if she plays her cards right.  YN threw in Lenidas into the fray (450g)
"Ability activate co op doom!" (A two bakugan brawl there's a risk though if you lose the match the other team automatically wins but if you win you'll automatically win) YN said as Kyle's Abis Omega (the strongest bakugan your partner has will be used/also his last bakugan was a Laserman 370g) not wasting any time Sam used a special ability card for her reaper
"Soul sweep!" souls began to surround Abis and Lenodias before giving him a g power boost of 10g while Abis and Leonidas continued to lose 10g before they lost a 100g and Reaper gaining 200g from the both of them. Reaper and Mantris 1180 while Leonidas and Abis has 610g.
"Double ability activate! Alpha blaster (100g increase/team 710/his speacial) and haos drive (if there is another haos bakugan in play it will return to your hand but it's g power will go to your haos bakugan) Now they have 1040g but it still wasn't enough, Kyle used his ability card surround seas (a ring of water that surrounds the field and grants 100g to your bakugan) but Noel used wind barrier which canceled it out and gave a 120g to his ventus bakugan. Noel and Sam at 1300g while you guys still had 1040g they charged towards your Leonidas and Abis just when you thought you guys were gonna lose a miracle happened. Your ability card alpha blaster changed into omega blaster and a bright light surrounded Leonidas before it disperses to reveal a evolved version of Leonidas (580g) you quickly used your omega blaster (200g power) and in hopes of them being shocked will be able to finish the match. You were right as they didn't react quickly enough and you guys won (Math is a bit to complicated so I can't calculate the final results but just know you guys won). You grinned as you rubbed Leonidas in acknowledgement, he didn't want to admit it but it was soothing when you did that. Kyle grinned and pestered the siblings who were salty but were impressed by your guys skills. In the end you guys added each other on the list of contacts and quickly became the best of friends. You're gonna have to introduce them to the brawlers one day, and man you can't wait till you show Dan Leonidas's transformation.
(This by far is the longest chapter. Over 1400 words I hope you guys enjoy the cringe that us this story and sorry for being on haitus tbh I forgot all about this story and idk why you guys are adding this to your lists of stories like its so cringy and honestly I don't feel like editing my previous chapters cuz I'm lazy, but thank you for the reads and I'm glad you guys are enjoying(hopefully xD) the story till next chapter which you guys can recommend cuz I have no idea)

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