Chapter One

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Snow was just beginning to fall outside the tower; the weather was beginning to get colder. It was a little strange for snow to already fall, but the woman didn't notice. She looked around before quickly entering the clearing. She ran toward the tower, eager to see if her 'daughter' was still where she was suppose to be.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel!" She called like she did every single day of poor Rapunzel's life, "Let down your hair!" The woman continued to call in a sing-song voice. High above in the tower, a teenage girl sat in a chair reading one of the few books she had. Rapunzel had read this book about twenty times in her short life. When she heard the woman's voice, she threw it on the ground, not bothering to bookmark her page. She had already memorized it, page 204.

"Coming!" She replied as she ran to the window in a hurry. Her mother had always warned her to calm down when she came. Rapunzel was just excited for something different. She picked up her extremely long hair and tossed it out the window. She started to pull her mother up. She should be the one pulling you up, Her head started to hurt. For the longest time Rapunzel would ignore the voice. Lately though, since her eleventh birthday, Rapunzel had started to listen, You are better than her. She should be locked inside this tower and you should be free! Free, a word Rapunzel rarely used or thought. She didn't really care much about freedom. Yeah she wanted to see the world, but her tower was comfortable, You should see the floating lights, She paused. Her dream. Now that was something she cared about. She could stop pulling now and allow the woman she called mother to drop to her death, Do it.

"Rapunzel! Mother's not getting any younger," Rapunzel blinked four times before continuing to pull, "Hello my darling!" Mother Gothel said as she stepped inside the tower. Rapunzel unhooked her hair before following her mother deeper into the tower. Rapunzel listened to her mother speak about pointless things. She frowned, "Rapunzel dear," Gothel said in the chair Rapunzel had been in a while ago, "Mother's tired. Would you sign for me?" The teenage girl sighed.

"I guess," Mother Gothel gave her a disapproving look as Rapunzel put a chair in front of her. When she turned around, she rolled her eyes. Two hours later Rapunzel helped her mother get out of the tower.

Poor little Rapunzel, The voice spoke as she watched her mother go.

        She was finally gone. The boy watched the woman leave. Then he quietly moved from behind it to the front. He looked up at the window she had came down from.

"Now," He muttered to his self, "How to get up there without falling out," He started to think and then sighed, "I guess I have no choice," He looked at the tower again with a smirk on his face, "Mind bringing me up?" At his command, the wind picked the boy up and helped him into the tower. After all this time he wasn't tired of this. The boy landed on the edge of the window, like he was trying to avoid. He almost fell, but caught his balance at the last second. He stepped into the tower. It was quiet and he didn't like quiet. He had to wonder where the girl who lives here was. He stepped forward again, tightening the grip he had on his staff. He heard something move to his left and he looked that way and aimmed his staff in that direction. There was nothing there. He walked deeper inside, looking around for the girl he was here to save. Suddenly something was wrapped around him, making him trapped. He was pulled forward into darkness. Eventually he was looking into dark green eyes, eyes that tell a million stories.

"Who are you?"

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