Kevin Part Three

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I woke up and I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I did the chores like always and I went to go watch las novelas I look at the time and it was 3:25 so I went up stairs to get ready.


I hear a the door bell it was Kevin he had roses for me and I gave him a huge I put them inside He said I looked really beautiful(I kind of blush and said thanks).

We were going to a water park good thing I wearing shorts. Kevin was very quit and didn't talk much.  We were walking around Kevin ran to  get wet in a ride that you fall in a big pool. I didn't want to get wet so I was just looked around. When  4 guy's come and they were like mamacita que chula and they were being rude that when Kevin comes and grabbs my hand and put his hand around me I said thanks and you could hear them say O WoW que chula y con novio... We went in many rides but it was getting late so we head home. When we were In the car we were just joking around. When we were home he opened the door for me and he was standing my the car and he gave  me a cold huge because we were both wet he looked straight at my eye's and gave me a kiss.  But that when my phone ring and it was my mom and he said he was to go and call me later and I said ok and went in the house.  I talked to my mom and she was going to stay more days because my auncle was going to have surgery for his leg and they wanted to stay by their side I said ok and talked for a little. I went to go upstairs to take a shower.

Kevin OrtizWhere stories live. Discover now