Chapter Eight

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"Did Drake seriously go out there by himself?" Mia asked, having been woken up by the fire outside. "Yeah. But he knows what he's doing. We need to focus on packing our stuff and looking after the children. I don't want them to get caught up in any of it." Grayson said. They had searched through the kitchen for any supplies that would be useful, and came across a couple of health potions, bandages and matches.
"Are you sure you should be doing that? Mum doesn't like people going through her stuff." Daniel said, appearing in the doorway and looking at Grayson. "Also, where did she go? Who's the guy with purple hair in the corner? What's going on outside?" He asked, tired and confused having woken up to his home full of strangers and his mum nowhere to be seen. "Hey, it's alright. Your mum's gone to get some food. Right now, you need to pack a bag with only your most important things in." Grayson said, kneeling down and putting his hand on Daniel's shoulder. "But, what's going on outside? The noise and lights?" He asked again. "Bad people are coming here, which is why we have to pack our bags and leave." Grayson explained quietly, being honest but not wanting to scare Daniel. 

"Whoa!" Mia yelled from the big room, getting Grayson's attention. "Don't fucking move or she gets it." Luke's cold voice made Grayson turn around. He had managed to work himself free and get his sword, which he was using to hold Jodie hostage. "Luke..." Grayson growled, grabbing his sword and stepping into the room. "Do you not see what you've done, you idiot?! Those devil-worshipping freaks are here because of that hideous hybrid!" Luke said, tightening his grip on Jodie. "Luke. Don't be a prick. Cowards go round picking on children. Are you a coward?" Grayson said, challenging him by drawing his sword. "I'm not staying here with those freaks, you can enjoy the party." Luke said in a low voice, realising that even if he beat Grayson, which was a small chance given his ever-worsening illness, there was the blonde elf, who was also armed and looked angrier than Grayson to sort out. "Coward." Grayson said. "Running from your problems.". "Yet I recall you doing exactly the same. Running away instead of facing up to your crimes. At least they made a good show of an execution.".A smug grin came across Luke's face, knowing he had succeeded in pissing him off. Grayson lunged at him, knocking his sword out of his hand and pushing him up against the wall. "What did you say you bastard?!" Grayson said, only loud enough for Luke to hear. "You know damn well what I said. But by the looks of things you've moved on. Looks like you never really loved nor cared about them.".
Suddenly a large fireball crashed into the roof of the ajoined building, rattling the ceiling and rising the dust; which awoke Jodie, who subsequently began to wail. Luke used this oppotunity of confusion to kick Grayson away, and make a break for the door, grabbing his dagger and pistol from the table as he ran. "Don't you dare turn your back on me!" Grayson yelled, getting up and chasing after him. "Don't! Just leav-" Mia's panicked voice was cut off by a loud gunshot, which narrowly avoided Grayson's arm as he dove to the left of the doorway.
"Leave it. Just... Leave it." Mia tried again. "Are you alright?" He asked, getting up off the floor for the second time and dusting himself off. "Daniel, you okay?" Grayson asked, as he emerged from the kitchen with a small backpack, and what looked like a dagger or a meat knife wrapped in cloth. "Yeah... is he gone?" he asked, attaching his knife to his belt, with the cloth acting as a sheath. "Yeah. Whatcha got there?" Grayson asked, referring to his knife. "Mum won't let me have a big sword so I sharpened up one of the meat knives that she never uses, and made a sheef for it. I haven't used it yet though." Daniel explained, taking a dark brown cloak from the drawer and putting it on, along with a pair of fingerless gloves. Mia nursed Jodie back to sleep, and wrapped her up in a shawl. "Grayson are you good to carry the backpack?" Mia asked. "Yeah. I'll just check it, then we can head out." He replied, opening up the cap and gently moving the cloth to see the dark purple Dragon Egg sitting there, with small particles emitting from it. However, the centre was ever so slightly glowing a pulsing purple. "That's odd..." Grayson whispered to himself, before closing the cloth and cap, standing up and putting on the backpack and his sword. "Everyone got everything?" He asked, before heading out the door and down the stairs, but keeping an eye out in case Luke were to return.

• • •

Drake was panicking. Their options were running out. Neither of them were in a position to teleport nor fight. It was an impossible situation. "What do we do...? Should I try to teleport?" Willow whispered. "Listen. I can keep him distracted long enough for you to run past. Get to Grayson and warn him.". Drake replied, forming a small but powerful fireball behind his back. "I'm kinda new to fire magic, so if it goes wrong and hits you I'm sorry." he whispered before lunging fowards and throwing the fireball overarm towards Herobrine, at the same time as he released his. "RUN! NOW!" Drake shouted, pushing through the smoke from the fireballs and pinning Herobrine to the wall. Willow took off through the smoke towards her home, promising to return with help. Herobrine growled and pushed Drake away
You know you can't win against against me... so why do you try?
"I'm not here to win. I'm here to keep you away from them. I was the one you were after! From the very beginning you were supposed to get me. Not Armen, and not Grayson. Why? Why go after them when they have nothing to do with this mess?!" Drake screamed, not realising he was now standing right in Herobrine's face.
Don't you see Drake? He said, smiling and running his index finger along the side of Drake's face.
The way to get to you is through them. It's what makes you weak.
Suddenly he grabbed Drake's shirt with bothe of his hands, pulling him closer to intimidate him.
Your mistake is caring too much for people. You're making it easy for me, Drake. But I guess all that doesn't matter now, does it? Three nights, that's how long you've got left.
"Get. Off. Me." Drake growled, kicking out in an attempt to free himself.
Suit yourself. See you in three nights, Drake.
Herobrine threw him onto the ground, before grinning and dissappearing in a cloud of white smoke.
Drake didn't move from where he lay for a while. He eventually sat up and ran his hands across his face, trying to understand what just happened. Why wasn't he attacking me? Unless he just wants to get into my head again...
"Drake!" Grayson came into view, he ran up next to Drake as he stood up. "Listen man don't run off like that. Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Grayson threw the questions at him worriedly. "I am fine. Look, he said he wants after the Dragon Egg, you need to be careful." Drake said, knowing that if Herobrine were to get ahold of it, the world would come to an end.
"Hate to break up the reunion, but IT'S STILL RAINING FIRE." Mia said, bringing them back down to earth. "Right. We should probably-" Grayson began "Get out." Drake finished his sentence. The two looked at each other. "Yeah... that." They whispered in unison. "Willow what's the quickest way out before those fleshy freaks get in?" "They're already in, look, the place is starting to burn. Follow me, if we can get to the southern gate and through the river, we'll be safe. Come on Daniel." She explained, picking up her boy and giving him a hug. "Let's go, before we get burned and used for breakfast." Willow whispered to herself.

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