Palm Reading - Ryouta Kise

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"Oi, (f/n)chi!" you were suddenly glomped by a too-familiar blond basketball player as you were walking home.  "(f/n)chi!  (f/n)chi!  (f/n)!"

"W-What is it, Kise-kun...?" you struggled, trying to get free.  "You know how I don't like being touched!  Ah!"  You almost dropped your sketchbook when he glomped you.

However, the taller and obviously stronger boy laughed a little, releasing you but pulling you to the side to sit down beside him on a bench nearby.  "Neh, neh!  I learned something new today!  I learned how to read palms!"

"..." You stared blankly at him.  "Say what?"

"Palm reading," he said once again, slower.  "One of my senpais taught me today~"  Kise tilted his head, staring at you.  "Let me try it on you!  I wanna see how accurate I'll be!"

You sighed a bit, hesitantly fiddling with the sketchbook in your arms.  I hate being touched...but... You glanced at Kise's face.  Darn it, he was making a puppy face.  "Just this once..." you reminded him.

He gently took your hand and stared at it.  "Jiii...." his golden eyes were focused on your hand, and it almost made you blush as you watched him.  His blond hair framed his face nicely...if he'd only let go of your hand so you could sketch his face in his concentrated mood.

Okay, so you admitted to yourself, you did like drawing sports, but Kise was the one that drew your attention the most whenever you were sketching.  But you hadn't told him of your feelings.  You didn't even know if you would if you had the chance.

You didn't notice that Kise was staring at you now since you were in deep thought, and he suddenly put your hand against his cheek.  "E-E-Eh?!"

"Relax, it's part of the whole thing," Kise waved it off.  "Just go with it, (f/n)-chi."

You felt the heat rushing to your cheeks as you looked away.

Time seemed to stand still as you sat there with your hand held against his cheek.  Suddenly, the basketball player broke through the silence with, "Ah, sorry.  I lied."

You blinked in slight surprise.  "Huh?"

"I lied."  Kise had a sheepish look on his face.  "I just made an excuse.  To hold your hand.~"

You pulled your hand back, but Kise held on, a slight pink blush dusting his cheeks.  "(f/n)-"

"Why?" you had slight tears in your eyes.  "Stop messing around.  It may be funny to you, but...but..." you looked away, still trying to free your hand.

"I won't let go, (f/n)-chi."  The answer startled you.  "And I wasn't playing around.  I'm serious."  Kise stood to his feet, slightly tightening his grip on your wrist.  "I...I like you a lot, (f/n)-chi," he met your gaze with an apologetic smile.  "Sorry...I won't let go."

You paused to look back at him.  "Kise-kun..."

"But...if you so desperately want a fortune," Kise suddenly took on his genial personality once more.  "I predict that...the person in the sketchbook is madly in love with you, and you should accept his advances."

You sat there stunned as he leaned closer.  "So?~" he smiled.  "I wonder how accurate I am.~"


NEXT:  Seijūrō Akashi

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