Part 7

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You turned around and realised someone unlocking the door. You needed to hide but where? You thought. Your eyes fell on a cabinet on the side of the room. The door clicked open.

You peered through the little hole on the door of the cabinet you were hiding right now. A figure slipped in through the door and hurried to the desk. You felt your heart beating fastly. The figure then turned around towards the cabinet, you engulfed the saliva down. As the person started to approach the cabinet, you tried to hold your breath in. 'Oh God, please save me. I won't sneak ever again!' You prayed in your heart. The figure came closer and you were out of the breathe.

Fubuki's POV

I reached at hitomiko kantokun house, as I didn't registered for any hotel here so I didn't had any place to stay. Hitomiko kantokun offered me to stay at her place.

As I relaxed on my bed, my mind went onto the thought that (y/n) must be doing something risky and dangerous and I'm relaxing over here?

I reached to my bag and pulled out my woollen scarf, it was Atsuya's actually. I always keep it with me as it's the only memento of my brother. I rubbed it against my cheek feeling his warmth. I felt my eyes teary, "I've already lost Atsuya I don't want to lose anyone else!"

Your POV

The person picked up something which was above the cabinet I was hiding. I sighed as the person turned to leave the room.

I checked if the ghost was clear, I tried to climb up again but my jump didn't make it and it resulted into a loud thud! "Ouch!" I bit my lower lip to suppress the shriek I was about to made, it resulted the tears in my eyes. I was just about to get up when the door opened and that person came in.

"Well well, who we have here sneaking around?" I was dumbfounded when I realised who that person was. He walked up to me and I took some steps back "what were you exactly doing over here? If you answered me honestly, your punishment would be less." His dark eyes were piercing into my (e/c) eyes. I finally managed to speak " seitei sama,... what are.... you doing here? " I stuttered as I asked. He smirked "I was informed". I cursed myself for believing Natalie, she must have informed him! I thought to myself. "Then, you're answering or I'm calling the security?" "no! Wait!" You screamed. He smiled slyly, I cursed him in my heart and took a deep breath. "I came here to take information" I said looking down. "Are you working for resistance? And were you a spy here?" He asked. "No, I ve never even heard of this name before!" "Hmm..." he pondered. "I'm just helping fubuki kun, that's all....... I asked you to leave Hakuren in harmony, but you didn't! I should have realised, none of the fifth sector people is trustworthy!" he smiled at my little speech, as I tried to hold down my tears. "Fubuki you said? So, you love him or something?" he asked making you turned into a red tomato. Who gave him right to ask such personal question?! You asked your inner self. He took my silence as yes and continued speaking "I'll let you go, on one condition"

Fubuki's POV

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, my cell phone lying beside me. I kept staring at the scarf until my phone suddenly started to ring. I picked it up and saw the caller ID, it was (y/n)! I felt relief for a second then I attended the call;

" (y/n), are you alright?!"

"Yes, I'm definitely fine.... that is somehow"

"Did something happened?"

"Well.... I'll kind of say a lot of things happened but!...."

"But. ..what?"

"By the way, do you know seitei personally or something?"

I was shocked, why would she know something like this?

"Um.. Fubuki kun?"

"Oh! No, definitely no. Why would I know him? I've not even seen his face clearly"

"Well, you're right ..... but then why would he be so worried about you?"

I was getting a hint that during her sneaking, she ended up meeting him. But what did he say? I asked myself.

"(Y/n), did you met him over there?"

"Yeah.... He let me go easily on one condition..."

"What condition?"

"That.... I'll take care of you always"

" what?!"

"Look, it's not something I'm saying, it's what he told me I mean gave me the condition. .... and yeah I accepted it... because we're friends right? I ..."

I chuckled as I heard her stuttering on the phone, I never thought gouenji would ask such a thing. It means he hasn't changed afterall.

"It's ok (y/n), I get your point. I'm just glad you're alright. So did you get something or you risked your life for nothing? "

"Well, I found this real top secret information, it said fifth sector is involved in kidnapping of children who have some talent in soccer. Then they send them to God Eden to become a SEED. They are planning to make an army out of them!"


I was left with no words at all, fifth sector has shown all the cheap sides of them, and this is one of them!

"Fubuki kun, what we're going to do now? "

"Don't worry, I'll send my friends to investigate about this more... and thanks (y/n), thanks for risking your life for this.... I'll make sure that none of your effort goes to waste"

" it's okay "

" you don't have to risk your life anymore, I'll take care of things from here"

"Do update me, ok?"

"Hai, it's getting late... We should better sleep, good night (y/n)"

"Hmm! Good night fubuki kun"

After I placed the phone on my side table, I put off the light and fell asleep.

Your POV

I felt so happy talking to fubuki kun, I was glad that I could be any helpful to him. The thought of the fact that fifth sector could do something like this. Seems like I'll have to wait for more updates.

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