Someone Else

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The hallway was empty.The clean floor, polished by years of moping rags and stomping feet, reflected the cool, crisp early morning light through the glass door that marked its end. The brightly coloured doors that separated adjoining rooms from the hallway entombed the sleeping girls, who floated on the last vestiges of their dreams.

With a soft noise, the ruffling of a many-layered skirt, Pajini stepped out of nothingness into the middle of the HSC block in Korgi House. Her image shimmered, a bad signal adjusting itself, and then solidified and stabilized. This was her hour and there were changes that needed to be made. Asiimwe was key.

With silent, but purposeful footsteps, she sent ripples of slumber through the floor and warm sleepy bodies turned around in bed pulling their blankets closer to their faces, breathing deep and allowing their minds to be drawn in further into wild and vivid dreams.

Asiimwe's door, the only yellow door blazed like a beacon, beckoning. Pajini glided soundlessly to the door pausing for a quick second before passing straight through the thick door to the darkness inside.

Asiimwe was locked in a familiar dream. Children. Lots of children in an idyllic setting, but as they passed her, haunting images flooded her mind, grabbed her gut and squeezed. In a dream minute, Nambi was beside her exchanging worried glances. They had to do something, anything to take these children away from whatever suffering had snuffed out the innocence in their eyes, replaced by a magnetic hopelessness, strong and unavoidable.

"Please take us away." The voice of a child who had not yet turned four.

Nambi reached for the child's hand and Asiimwe flinched. Something was not right. This was not what happened at this point in the dream. Was it changing?

"Asiimwe," Nambi's voice urged.

"Something is wrong."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm no..."

"We're wasting time Asiimwe, come on!"

There were children who needed to be saved. Worrying about what felt wrong would not help.

She grabbed the free arm of the child who stood with Nambi and raced to one of the free-standing buildings that dotted the grassy hillside.

"Don't let go," the child whispered, locking eyes with Asiimwe.

"I won't," her voice was resolute.

Pajini smiled, the warmth of victory spreading over her body. She reached deeper into Asiimwe's body enjoying sensations alien to her, watching imagination build a World that rippled, a syncopated accompaniment to Time's own ripples.It was going to be a wonderful day, the warmth of the room had already risen by a few degrees. The night was chased away by the galloping sun, fleeing in all directions.Loud thrum, thrum, thrums of cowhide drums echoed through the dewy morning air and the HSC block of Korgi House stirred with the noise.


"Yeah, I'm coming!"

Pajini smiled with someone else's lips, the last vibrating tremors of her call still echoing in her lungs. This was going to be a fantastic day.

 This was going to be a fantastic day

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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