Not Yours

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This is something entirely new. i hope you guys like it. i would really like it if you left a comment afterwards to tell me what you think about it....

I had a mother and a father more than most kids my age could have asked for. They were still happily married. You could see it in the way they looked at each other. Their eyes just lighting up with adoration for the other. I was their only child, and we were all content with that. I was happy for the most part. I went to school, got to hang out with friends on my free time. Life could be better I am not going to lie, but I wouldn't trade what I had in for anything.

Tomorrow is my birthday it's a big one for me ill be 18. This is my last year of high school and I am only two months away from graduating. My parent agreed to let me go out with my friends for the night as long as I was home at a decent hour, which they hinted was 11pm. It still made me smile that I would now be seen as a legal adult but in their eyes I was still the little girl who needed help to tie her shoes.

I couldn't really tell my parents what me and my friends did while we were together, I don't really remember I just think back to all the laughs we have shared together.

"Lili?" my mother asked as we sat around the table eating dinner.

I looked up from pushing my food around.


"Is something wrong?"

"No." I sighed. "I just don't feel good. Im fine."

"are you coming down with something?" she looked towards my dad where he was sitting staring at me as well.

"John?" she said questiongly. "Maybe you should stay home tomorrow night." she didn't asked. I heard the command in the tone she used.

Something started inside me I couldn't help it. That simple command made me snap.

"No! you cant keep me here. Ill be 18 mother! You cant stop me from going out with my friends. You cant stop me from going out period!"

And with that I scrapped the chair back and marched out of the house not stopping at the shouts of my name behind me.

I had no control of what I was doing, of where I was going. But something inside of me wasn't going to be bossed around. wasn't going to have anyone tell what to do. It was like I was someone else entirely. The obedient daughter was gone and I don't know what was in her place.

I kept walking farther away from my home towards the park that I always met up with my friends at when we all needed to get away. But I wasn't meeting any of them tonight because when I searched my pockets I realized I left my cell back in my room.

When I got to the park it was pitch black and empty. The swings are my favorite so I made my way to them. I loved the feeling of the wind racing past me as I went forward. I looked up toward the sky and saw that there were stars out tonight. A rare thing to see now a days. I was lost in the stars when a snap of a twig broke into my thoughts. My gaze swirling to the spot where the sound came from.

There standing was Jamie Sanders. He was in almost all the school activities. And even though he was extremely hot as all the girls in school put he never dated. At all. Some started rumors that he was gay but mostly started by those he refused. The fear I felt that vanished when I realized who he was came back as he continued to stare at me.

I watched as emotion after emotion flew through his eyes, a smile creeping onto his face. He took a step forward and I stood up. He put his hands up in warning.

"You seem different?" he asked. This was the first time he actually talked to me. And unlike most girls it had no effect on me.

When he took a step forward I took two back.

"Don't." he hesitated. "Please, don't leave. We need to talk."

I couldn't think, I could only feel and what I felt was run. It wasn't in fear, I couldn't distinguish what but I knew it wasn't fear. My legs were itching to run.

"I have nothing to say." and with that I ran. I never knew I could run so fast. Honestly I have never really ran this fast in my life, I never really tried. But tonight, away from Jamie, I ran.

I could feel him behind me and I smiled. He was chasing me. Something inside me snapped and out of nowhere I stopped turned and growled at Jamie. His run slowed to a walk right in front of me. I didn't like what I saw in his eyes.

"You shouldn't have ran." he stated before he pulled me into him, burning my lips with his.

I pushed him back and was surprised that he stumbled back as much as he did. By the look on his face he was too.

"Wh-what is your name?"

"Lili." I wanted to run again whatever was inside me liked when he chased me. And I liked the feel of his lips on mine.

"What are you Lili?"

The question caught me off guard and got my mind away from running. What was I? I wasn't the girl I was yesterday. I could feel it inside I was changing, I was already different.


"Jamie?" Lili asked. Her voice sounded different know. Like she wasn't in control now.

She was beautiful though. Her dyed black hair making her blue eyes just pop. I didn't recognize her from any pack around but I could smell it on her. It was something I have never smelt before. It was wonderful. All I needed to do was talk about why I never knew she was one of us until she ran, after that I was gone. My wolf kicked in and I was racing after I didn't even know I kissed her until she pushed me away.

When I started to her again this time instead of backing up she ran forward throwing her arms around my neck. She felt as good as she smelled.

"Jamie what is happening to me?"

"What do you mean? You don't know?"

She leaned back and looked into my eyes. Confusion was the first thing that appeared in her eyes. She didn't know she was what I was. A Were. Which had me confused as well. How did someone not know what they were.

I reached for her hand.

"Take a walk with me, I think we should talk."

When she smiled and nodded in agreement I was thrilled.

She was mine.

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